eNews | February 2019
In this issue...
The 4A Approach, Working Within Managed Resources, Changing or Commenting on Reports After Resigning, Voting Reminder and Provisional Registration Podcast
Note on Council Executive
On February 22, 2019, the Executive Committee of Council met to address the vacancy on Council Executive that resulted from the untimely passing of our Council President Winston Isaac.

At that meeting, 

  1. Executive officially appointed Julie Entwistle to be President of Council until the end of March 28, 2019.
  2. Executive officially appointed Jennifer Henderson to be Vice-President of Council until the end of March 28, 2019.

We thank all Council members for their time and dedication to the work of the College.

The 4A Approach
To Conscious Decision-Making
A New Resource to Support Conscious Decision-Making in Occupational Therapy
The 4A Approach to conscious decision-making was first introduced in the 2018 Prescribed Regulatory Education Program (PREP). The approach is a quick reference that outlines the critical steps of the Conscious Decision-Making (CDM) Framework.

Feedback was positive so we are happy to share the 4A Approach in a one-page resource. Click here to access the 4A Approach resource.

The CDM Framework and other resources are available on our Standards for Practice page.

Questions? Contact the Practice Resource Service at 1.800.890.6570/416.214.1177 x240 or  practice@coto.org.
You and Your Practice
Read the latest case and find answers to your questions
Case: Working Within Managed Resources
Nia is an OT working on a busy subacute unit where OT referrals are automatically generated on admission. Nia is currently the only OT in the unit and is having difficulty managing the volume of referrals.

There are instances when a patient is transferred to another unit or discharged entirely from the hospital before Nia can assess or complete her involvement and documentation with the patient.

Nia wonders what she can do to manage her large caseload.  What should Nia do? Read the rest of the case.
Q&A: Changing or commenting on reports after resigning as an OT
 You asked us: I've resigned my registration with the College and am no longer practicing as an OT. I've been asked to testify in court about a report I wrote when I was registered. 

Am I allowed to testify if I'm not registered? 

Can I defend, change or make corrections to a report that I completed while I was registered, if I'm not currently registered?

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Contact our Practice Team at  practice@coto.org  or 1.800.890.6570/416.214.1177 x240.
Council Elections & Highlights
Reminder to Vote and Council Meeting Highlights
1 Week Left to Cast Your Vote!
If you live or work in the areas of: the municipality of Toronto; the counties of Haliburton, Northumberland, Peterborough, Simcoe and Kawartha Lakes; the regional municipalities of Durham, Peel, and York we invite you to cast your vote in the election of three Council members in your district. 

The deadline to cast your ballot is March 6, 2019. 

If you are eligible to vote and have not received your electronic ballot, please contact elections@coto.org.

To learn more about eligibility and Council elections, visit the College Elections page. 
College Council Meeting Highlights
Missed the meeting?

Learn about key decisions and get the highlights from the January 31st College Council meeting.

Remember, all Council meetings are open to the public. Meeting dates and materials are posted online.

Learn more about College Council.
Podcast: COTO On Topic
Provisional Registration: What You Need to Know
Episode 3: Provisional Registration
Do you work with or supervise OTs under provisional registration? Do you know student OTs, new grads or applicants who might be interested in provisional registration with the College?

In our latest podcast, we answer commonly asked questions about provisional registration.

Any changes to your profile information in the last 30 days? Make sure you update your profile.
20 Bay Street, Suite 900, Toronto, ON · 416.214.1177 1.800.890.6570 · www.coto.org · info@coto.org

If registrants unsubscribe, they will be contacted to re-subscribe. The College communicates to OTs by email regarding changes to standards, mandatory registration requirements, public consultations and more. We strive to keep communication relevant and to a minimum.