August 26, 2022

2022 Council Award Recipients

22 SB

Congratulations to the 2022 Award Recipients! 

The formal presentations were made on August 22nd at Camp Greenough. 

Receiving the Silver Beaver Award (l-r): Thomas "Tim" Lanman and Kenneth Hildebrand.

District Award of Merit

22 DAM

Stephen Mulligan and Paul Bober

Jason Zinser (award presented on 8/25).

22 Oscars

Oscar Awards

Presented to (l-r) Bonnie Kwiatkowski, Christina Bowen, Tom Wooton, and Devon Davis.  

Unable to attend Bryan Howes, Geoff Keeler

22 Bud Evans

Harry D. "Bud" Evans Award

Presented to John Terrio, center, by previoius recipients Rob Chamberlain, left, and Bill Monroe, right.  

Maushop Awards

Presented to (l-r) Todd Duffany and Pedro Bento.  

Unable to attend: Dennis Theoharidis.  

22 Maushop Awards

And Congratulations to Our Newest Eagle Scouts!

Jeremy Caspe, Troop 97, Nantucket

Owen Lovell, Troop 40, Falmouth

Gabriel Zinser, Troop 97, Nantucket

We are here to help. 508-362-4322
Scout Executive, Mike Riley
Assistant Scout Executive Amy Zahn
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