Welcome New Emanuel Executive Director Jacob Schreiber

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Jacob Schreiber as our new Executive Director of The Emanuel Synagogue, effective March 1, 2024.


Jacob brings a rich variety of experiences working in Jewish communal organizations. His leadership experience, institutional advancement, strategic thinking, and his commitment to Jewish values stood out to the search committee, clergy and staff, and ultimately to The Emanuel Synagogue Board of Trustees. Jacob will be an able successor to Kobi Benita.


Jacob earned his bachelor’s degree in government and politics from the University of Maryland and his master’s degree in Arab Israeli Affairs from The Hebrew University. For the past 5 1/2 years, he was the President & CEO of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford. Prior to that, Jacob was the CEO of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City. He spent several years working for Hillel, first as Executive Community & National Projects Officer for Hillel International and as Executive Director of Hillels of Georgia.


Jacob and his wife Edna Levy reside in West Hartford and are the proud parents of three adult children. Jacob is a competitive tennis player, theater enthusiast, Jewish educator and creator of alternative Jewish rituals, musical lyricist, and singer.


Thank you to the search committee for your commitment and tireless efforts: co-chairs Ken Simon and Jeff Cohen and Lori Gottlieb.


Together, The Emanuel Synagogue is poised to reach new heights. 


Warm regards,

Reesa F. Olins, BOT President

Rabbi David J. Small

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