New Enhancements to USA Learns Citizenship Course | |
WIOA Title II New Administrator's Orientation - Oct 3-5 | |
CAEP Directors' Event - September 14-15 | |
CAEP New Consortium Lead Onboarding Event - September 22 | |
Chancellor's Office Releases FAQ for ELL Healthcare Pathways Grant | |
CAEP Summit 2023 - Register Today! | |
CAEP Deliverable Reminders | |
Deadlines and Deliverables | |
New Enhancements to USA Learns
Citizenship Course
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Adult learners across the nation have been using the free USA Learns Citizenship course since 2017 to prepare to successfully pass the naturalization interview. Thanks to a generous grant from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), new instruction was added to the USA Learns Citizenship course on September 5, 2023, including:
- how to create a USCIS account and complete the N-400 online
- digital literacy skills (for example, keeping data secure and evaluating online information)
- 8 new mock interviews for listening practice
- immigrant integration activities to make the content more locally relevant
- more speaking practice
- 40+ new or updated videos
- more faces and voices, and more!
New resources for instructors are also being added, including a detailed scope & sequence, interview practice scripts, and annotated links and teacher tips.
The USA Learns website address is Adult learners can learn at their own pace or with the help of a teacher, and all for free.
Want to learn more?
Register below to join us for a 1-hour webinar to learn more about the updated USA Learns Citizenship course.
September 14, 2023 at 11am PDT
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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): Title II New Administrator's Orientation - October 3-5
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The registration for the 2023 New Administrators Orientation is open.
The purpose of the New Administrators Orientation (NAO) is to provide an overview of the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education Family and Literature Act (AEFLA) grant implementation requirements and available resources.
NAO is intended for new adult education administrators, principals, and other supervisor-level staff as well as new sub-grantees. The online event will be held across three days October 3–5, 2023.
Registration is only required once for all three dates. Please use your district email address to register and fill out the “membership” form if directed. The schedule for each day, including the link to the online platform (Zoom), will be contained within the registration confirmation.
We look forward to seeing you at the 2023 New Administrators Orientation.
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CAEP Directors' Event - September 14-15
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Calling all consortium leads, co-leads/co-directors, coordinators, and advisors. This year's annual mandatory Directors' Event is scheduled to be in-person September 14 (1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.) and September 15 (8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.). This event provides those leading and managing the consortium an opportunity to reflect on the current state of adult education and the consortium, connect with colleagues, and enhance collaboration and partnerships with consortium members, partners, and learners. As a reminder, a minimum of one individual is expected to represent each consortium. You can have two or more individuals from each consortium participate. The Directors' Event will be at the Hilton Arden West in Sacramento. To reserve your room, you can book online here or call 916-922-4700 and provide group code 966.
Dr. Cherina Betters, Chief of Equity and Access at San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, will kick off the Directors' Event at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday. This session will equip consortium leads with enhanced skills, knowledge and tools to build and sustain meaningful connections, facilitate cohesive collaboration among stakeholders, and ultimately drive position outcomes in adult education.
We envision those who attend the CAEP Directors’ Event will leave with the skills needed to foster a positive and supportive consortium culture that values continuous improvement, innovation and a learner-centered approach. We're looking forward to seeing everyone in person soon!
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CAEP New Consortium Lead Onboarding Event
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New to the California Adult Education Program (CAEP)? The CAEP New Consortium Lead Onboarding event is open to all new consortium leaders. We also invite any consortium leads who have been in their position for fewer than three years who feel they can benefit from a CAEP refresher. This fully virtual event is scheduled for September 22 from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Meet the CAEP Office leadership. Receive guidance on CAEP funded K-12 and non-credit programs, data reporting and accountability, and walk through a live demonstration of NOVA, the consortia accountability and reporting site. Learn how to access technical support through the CAEP Technical Assistance Project. | |
Chancellor's Office Releases Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for English Language Learner (ELL) Healthcare Pathways Grant
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The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has released an English Language Learner Healthcare Pathways Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. The FAQ includes answers to questions about definitions, eligibility, LOI requirements and important deadlines, reporting/NOVA, funding and budget.
The Chancellor's Office has also released a recorded presentation providing an overview of the ELL Healthcare Pathways Grant. The original presentation was delivered by Dean of the Workforce and Economic Development Division, Gary Adams, and Program Lead of Adult Education, Mayra Diaz, both with the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office.
The deadline to submit the application of Intent to NOVA is Friday, September 8, 2023, by 5:00 pm, which includes the signed Letter of Intent (Appendix A), a project workplan, budget estimate, and signed Letter of Support from employer and partnerships. The FAQ references possible extensions for identified consortia should that be necessary.
On July 18, 2023, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office in partnership with the California Department of Education announced the release of a Letter of Intent (LOI) for the English Language Learner (ELL) Healthcare Pathways Grant. The Chancellor's Office Memorandum invited identified California Adult Education Program (CAEP) Consortia to participate in the ELL Healthcare Pathways Initiative. Funding for the ELL Healthcare Pathways Grant is part of a one-time $130 million appropriation of Proposition 98 funds to support Adult Education programs in developing healthcare pathways, including bridge programs, at all levels of English proficiency. The first round of funding is for $30 million.
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Register to Attend the CAEP Summit 2023
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Registration is filling quickly! Adult Education practitioners are excited to attend the CAEP Summit 2023 in person at the Hilton Universal City. Be one of the several hundred adult education practitioners who will attend this year’s conference. If you have not done so already, register now to join other CAEP practitioners for a two and half day thought-provoking, engaging and fun learning experience.
The CAEP Summit is appropriate for consortium leads, CAEP member agencies, administrators, teachers, counselors, transition specialists, and other practitioners supporting CAEP in California.
The CAEP Summit 2023 is an opportunity for adult education practitioners to share and discuss innovative and effective promising practices, strategies, and other resources anchored in the CAEP State Priorities: Equity, Leadership, Learner Transition, Marketing, Program Development, Program Evaluation, and Technology and Distance Learning. This year's Summit will host 90 presentations across 10 sessions in addition to networking opportunities.
The registration cost to attend the CAEP Summit 2023 is $550. Encourage your colleagues to register and attend. Registration includes access to the following: All meal functions, all general and breakout sessions, exhibitor corner, and networking social.
Contact CAEP TAP at [email protected] if you experience any difficulty registering.
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Room Block at the Hilton Universal City
The Room Block is now sold out. There are a number of hotels within a 5-mile radius of the Hilton Universal City where the CAEP Summit will take place.
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CAEP Deliverable Reminders
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Quarter 4 Expenditure Report
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The consortium will have until September 30, 2023 to certify the Quarter 4 reports. | |
CAEP Budget and Workplan Due Date
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The Member Program Year Budget and Work Plan is due in NOVA by September 30, 2023. The consortium will have to certify the plans by October 30, 2023.
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Deadlines and Deliverables
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Sept 30: Member Expenditure Reports certified by consortium in NOVA (Q4)
Sept 30: Member 23-24 Budget and Work Plan due in NOVA
Oct 30: 23-24 Member Budgets and Work Plans certified by consortium in NOVA
Oct 31: Student data due in TOPSPro (Q1)
Oct 31: Employment and Earnings Follow-up Survey
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