September 16, 2019
New Express Bus Service Between Medford and Ashland
Starting September 16, you can enjoy a quick bus ride between Medford and Ashland on I-5. Route 1X, the new Medford-Ashland Express, serves four stops in Ashland and operates Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Save some time and ride the express! Note that only "cash-less" TouchPass e-fares are accepted on this line. Find out more at .
So Many Poems; So Little Time
  • Topic: Let's get together and share our favorite 20th century poem by a poet recognized as one of the "greats," and limited to about 30 lines, please. (The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock will have to await a later class.)
  • Dates: Thursday, October 10
  • Time: 11:00 AM
  • Location: Library in Trinity Church at 44 N. 2nd Street in Ashland
  • Facilitator: Suzanne Witucki
  • What you should know: If you register, you will send me a copy of your favorite poem which I will send out to the other OLLI members who have registered for this Conversation Connection. We'll meet for 2 – maybe more – hours to read and analyze the poems' texts together, keeping to a time limit of 15 minutes per poem. We'll consider theme, diction and figures of speech, imagery, tone, sound effects, rhetorical devices and structural elements. Bring along drinks and a snack if you wish. There is no cost for this event. Bring your OLLI name tag, too, please.
  • RSVP: Registration is required; maximum is 10 participants. Sign up as soon as possible since the class will be filled on a first-come/first-registered basis. Click the button below to sign up. Registration will close when all openings are filled.
  • Questions? Contact Contact Suzanne Witucki at
Mavens Go to OSF (Once Again)
  • Topic: Join other OLLI members and the Mavens this week to discuss OSF plays
  • Dates: See below
  • Time: 4:00 – 5:30 pm
  • Location: Thai Pepper, 84 North Main Street (Use the Water Street entrance.)
  • Facilitator: Susan Stitham
  • What you should know: See the plays on or before the dates of these events. Then purchase your libations and munchies (if you wish), and share insights and responses to these productions with your OLLI friends.
  • RSVP: Registration is only through this website and is required because maximum is 20 participants (see buttons below). Registration for each discussion is separate and on a first come/first served basis. Click the buttons below to register. Registration will close when all openings are filled.
  • Other Questions? Contact Contact Susan Stitham at
Tuesday, October 1
Friday, October 4
There may still be a few seats available for this week's Conversation Connections on How to Catch Creation on Tuesday, September 17, and All's Well that Ends Well* on Thursday, September 19. Other than dates and plays, details are the same as above. Click the buttons below to check for availability and to register for either gathering. *Note: discussion of All's Well in the Elizabethan Theater does not follow a matinee performance.
For more information on the plays, performance dates, and ticket prices, click here for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival website.
Spotlight on Shared Interest Groups (SIGs):
Rogue Folders is a new SIG for paper folders, paper hobbyists, and the paper curious. Great for those who want to maintain dexterity, cognition, concentration, and creativity, or to improve those skills. All levels of ability are welcome even if the only paper folding you have done in the past is folding a letter. The facilitator is experienced in teaching beginning through intermediate folding and other paper crafts. Come to learn. Come to share and teach. Come to have fun or challenge yourself. Paper is provided for all first visits. For more information or to join the group, contact SIG Facilitator Denis Knowles: or 541-646-5464.

 Learn about Shared Interest Groups in general and other current SIGs by clicking here .
What's in the Announcements this week? Starting this term, you can download a copy of the Weekly Announcements in the NewsFlash. You can also pick up a copy in the information display areas of Campbell Center and Higher Education classrooms. Click here for a PDF copy of this week's Announcements.
Free Event: SOU Students at Green Show
SOU theatre students will perform "A Spectacle From the Commedia Dell'Arte" at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival Green Show on September 18 and 20, 6:45 pm on the bricks at 15 South Pioneer Street in Ashland. Free and the public is always welcome. Click here for more information.