Respect of Self ~ Respect of Others ~ Respect of Environment
July 27, 2018
In this Issue

Chats with Linda
Important Reminders
Outdoor Environments

August 16 Chat with Linda
August 17 - ELC Summer Camp Last Day
August 23 last day for Kinder-Bound Children
August 24 ELC Closed - Professional Development
August 27 ELC Before/After Care begins

*Talk with your child's teacher regarding field trips and special event schedules throughout the summer.
Coming Soon – Chats with Linda
It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of July. I hope you are enjoying warm summer days with your children. As we approach the fall, one of the things we are working on at both the ELC Newark and Wilmington are our opportunities to engage with you as families. We have had several opportunities as a full staff to decide on some commonly held agreements about family engagement. I am pleased to share the following statements that we have all agreed to work toward.  

Family Engagement at the ELC is about celebrating families and sharing children’s experiences at the ELC with loved ones.   

Specifically, family engagement events will:

  • Help families feel a sense of belonging by providing opportunities to connect with one another within the ELC communities. 
  • Provide meaningful opportunities for families to share their gifts, talents, and culture.
  • Inform families about what their child does during the day and why it is important to the child’s overall growth and development.   
  • Support parents and caregivers with their role and assist them to be their child’s primary advocate. 

With these statements in mind, I will be holding “Chats with Linda” throughout the year ahead. These chats will be an opportunity to share and to seek to understand your thoughts about family engagement and other topics of interest to the group.  We will share in the next Family News about what was discussed at each chat so if you cannot come, you are aware of the conversation. The schedule for the chats is listed below. I invite you to mark your calendar and join me for these informal discussions.  In addition to Chats with Linda, we are adding three parent events to assist you to support and advocate for your child. I hope that you find these additional opportunities to engage with each other and with the leadership of the programs helpful. I look forward to seeing you on August 16 th for our first chat from 4:30 – 5:30 in Newark.   

Chats With Linda

August 16, 4:30-5:30 Newark
October 18, 8:00- 9:00am Newark
November 28, 4:30-5:30 Newark
January 15, 8:00-9:00am Newark
March 13, 4:30-5:30 Newark
May 7, 8:00-9:00am Newark
Parent Events

October 10, 4:30-5:30
Understanding School Choice - Families of Future Kindergartners
February 28, 4:30-5:30
Reading with Young Children
May 1, 4:30-5:30
Helping Your Child be Ready for Kindergarten
Important Reminders

In support of positive relationships among families, children and staff, we request that there is no cell phone use while in the building.

A friendly reminder that the new 2018/2019 tuition rates will go into affect on August 1, 2018.
In our continued effort to ensure the safety of our children, families and staff, parking is strictly prohibited in the circle area and small parking lot directly in front of the building during drop off and pick up times.
Every Donation Makes A Difference
489 Wyoming Road
Newark, Delaware 19716
Phone: 302-831-6205
Fax: 302-831-1829
Website: UD ELC
1218 B Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19716
Phone: 302-654-1420 
Fax: 302-652-1796
Website: UD ELC