October Parent Workshops
View the full October workshop descriptions online.

Healthy children through nutrition and physical activity
October 12, 7:30 p.m. / Online workshop / Register
Learn how to choose healthy snacks, meals and beverages for children and discuss common eating concerns such as picky eaters or refusal to eat. Explore nutrition labels, healthy eating on a budget and the importance of exercise and keeping kids active. Free.

Los conceptos básicos para los niños
Martes 17 de Octubre a la 1 p.m. / Taller virtual gratis Inscribirse aqui
Martes 17 de Octubre a la 7 p.m. / Taller Virtual Gratis / Inscribirse aqui
El Programa Lo Básico del condado de Howard proporciona información para ayudar a los padres a aprender a aprovechar al máximo estos primeros cinco años. Sintonice para obtener más información sobre los cinco pilares de las interacciones exitosas y cómo registrarse y compartir el programa gratuito de mensajería de texto Los Principios Basicos.

Positive Solutions for Families 
October 25 / November 1, 8, 29 / 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Free virtual workshops / Register
Address challenging behaviors and help your children manage emotions. Watch weekly videos then meet with other parents to share successes and struggles. An Open House will be held on October 18 from 5 to 7 p.m. to meet and pick up resources.

Importance of fathers in child development
October 18, 1:30 p.m. / Online workshop / Register
October 18, 7:00 p.m. / Online workshop / Register
Fathers play a critical role in early childhood development. Learn the benefits of being actively involved with children at different stages of development and gain resources and tips to interact in positive ways.

Hatchlings: New baby and me
October 19 and 26, 11 a.m. to noon / 9830 Patuxent Woods Drive, Columbia 21046 / In-person / Register
Welcome home, baby! This interactive two-week early literacy class is for parents/caregivers of newborns from birth to 6 months. Learn how to support your baby's development through songs and activities. Participants will receive a FREE take-home gift each session.
DIY Toy Workshop
October 24, 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. / 9830 Patuxent Woods Drive, Columbia 21046 / In-person / Register
Use what you have at home to promote early learning skills with young children! Parents and children infant to five are invited to attend and learn how to make fun DIY toys using common household items. Free.