September/October 2018
A Message from Our President
This Fall, we encourage all of our client partners to consider opportunities within your organization for transformative support. It’s not always necessary to rally prospects around a big capital project – more and more, donors are becoming interested in investing in people and programs, and this represents a unique opportunity for your organization.
Next week, I will be presenting on this topic alongside Joe Stampe and Karrie L. Borgelt at the AHP International Conference in San Diego. Check out my recent interview with AHP for a preview of the session, and be sure to keep an eye on our blog   for a follow-up piece. As always, we hope you will stay connected with TAG for webinars, blogs, professional development opportunities, and other resources.
In this edition of TAGlines, we're excited to present a number of new blog posts on a variety of topics, spotlight another one of our client partners, Gaylord Specialty Healthcare; and announce new partnerships.
As always, if we can help your institution or organization with our services, please contact us at (973) 540-1400 or info@theangelettigroup.
New from Our Blog
Expanding the Geographic Reach of Your Fundraising Efforts
Fo r many nonprofits with a national reach, a major challenge is expanding beyond their localized donor base. Whether during a campaign or for traditional fundraising efforts, building and maintaining relationships with your national constituents is key to the organization’s growth. Ryan Quick, Director, Client Partnerships, shares a case study from a current client partner and discusses ways to expand your organization's geographic reach.

How to use "Plannual Giving" to encourage annual fund donors to consider planned giving
A comprehensive fundraising development program should include a balance of activities related to annual giving, major giving, and planned giving. Without any one of the legs of this three-legged stool, you cannot sustain support for your mission. Your organization relies on the regular revenue from special events, direct mail, and more recently social media to maintain your operating budget. But could you do more with your annual giving program to increase giving?

Whats's The Deal With Donor-Advised Funds?

One of the fastest-growing giving vehicles of our time, donor-advised funds (DAFs) experienced a record-breaking year, growing nearly three times the rate of overall charitable giving in 2016. Contributions to DAFs grew 7.6 percent in 2016, outpacing the overall growth-rate in giving, but a fraction of the 18.3 annualized rate DAF contributions climbed between 2010 and 2015 .

Friendraising Your Way to Fundraising: How to Identify Your Next Generation of Donors

As development consultants, one of the most common questions we hear from our clients is, “My biggest donors and the Board are experiencing donor fatigue. How do I find our next generation of philanthropists?” We sat down with one of our seasoned fundraisers, Greer Polansky, to discuss unique challenges faced by community organizations that don’t have “built in” constituencies such as alumni or grateful patients.

Gaylord Specialty Healthcare
Gaylord Specialty Healthcare is a Long Term Acute Care (LTAC) hospital located in Wallingford, CT. As a specialty hospital, they provide care and treatment beyond the scope of a traditional hospital. They offer inpatient complex care and rehabilitation care. With a mantra of “Think Possible,” Gaylord lives out their care philosophy of treating each patient as an individual by paying careful attention to each person’s unique needs.  

Gaylord was recently highlighted in People magazine for their pivotal role in the rehabilitation of 25 year old Jillian Harpin. Jillian became paralyzed at 23 after falling off a balcony. At Gaylord she completes weekly physical therapy sessions with an exoskeleton, a battery-operated apparatus that lifts and bends her legs for her allowing her to keep her strength up.

Gaylord has visions of becoming a destination center and helping those in need across our nation and internationally. To do so will require a significant investment—one that will include philanthropy. The Angeletti Group has been retained by the Hospital’s development team to shepherd them through this process including a feasibility study.
New Partnerships
TAG is proud to begin new partnerships with the following organizations across a wide spectrum of practice areas.

Highland Community College; Freeport, IL
Lawrence + Memorial Hospital (Yale NewHaven Health); New London, CT
LifeWay Network; Forest Hills, NY
MacMurray College; Jacksonville; IL
Main Line Health; Radnor, PA
Maria Regina High School; Yonkers, NY
Mount Al oysius College; Cresson, PA
New Canaan Library; New Canaan, CT
School of the Blessed Sacrament; New York City, NY
Presentations and Webinars
The Angeletti Group offers insights, resources, and training with conference presentations, webinars, digital resources, and more!
AHP International Conference; October 17-19, 2018
San Diego CA

Building Campaigns Around Non-Building Projects: Raising money for people and programs as the landscape shifts 
Presented by Jay Angeletti, Karrie Borgelt (Main Line Health) and Joe Stampe (Meridian Health Foundation)

The Hospital buildings are complete; you've named everything. Your CEO tells you the future is all about people, programs, and "onestop" shopping ambulatory centers miles away that are focused on diseases and conditions. Virtual centers..? Leased spaces..? What's a CDO to do? How do you transition your donors from funding capital projects to virtual programs? Join this fast-paced discussion including examples from hospitals and health systems that have succeeded. And bring your experiences.
The AFP New Jersey Conference on Philanthropy; November 15, 2018
Bridgewater, NJ

The Angeletti Group is proud to sponsor the Educational Track. Look for us in the Exhibitor Hall!
CASE NAIS Independent Schools Conference; January 27-29, 2019
Philadelphia, PA

Hitting Singles and Doubles: Building Your Pipeline with Mid-Level Gifts
Presented by Jay Angeletti, President, The Angeletti Group ; Rich Bershtein, Board President; Cindy Leffell, Board Vice President; and Carol Maoz, Head of School, The Foote School

Campaigns are not always comprised of home runs. While most every institution dreams of transformational commitments-and certainly should focus on their pursuit-what happens between those rare commitments? And, slicing it a different way, what happens between your annual appeal level donors and the top of your gift pyramid? This session highlights the Foote School's Centennial Campaign and the way in which mid-level donors are leading the way. Jay Angeletti moderates a panel who share strategies and invite feedback regarding pipeline development, communications, volunteer recruitment, milestones and more.
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