April 2019
Photo: If é Franklin's Indigo Project, by Maureen White
Creative City Boston launches!
Creative City Boston , a new iteration of the Creative City pilot program with funding from the Barr Foundation, offers artists twice as much money and the opportunity to improve their concepts with a new two-part proposal process. Apply by June 17!
Visit NEFA.org/CreativeCityLearning for a report about the pilot program, a national field scan, and to watch videos about grantee projects.
Photos (from left): Avery Sharpe, courtesy of the artist; Jennifer Kreisberg (Tuscarora Nation of North Carolina), by Adrienne Petrillo
New Funding for Presenting Indigenous Performers and Jazz
Advancing Indigenous Performance (AIP) Touring Fund

Western Arts Alliance (WAA) launches the   Advancing Indigenous Performance   (AIP) Touring Fund, a new grant opportunity for presenters of Native performing artists and ensembles in partnership with NEFA. The AIP Touring Fund provides matching fee support to presenting organizations, which engage eligible performing artists through the touring programs of the six  Regional Arts Organizations .
Jazz Road

Jazz Road , a new national initiative of   South Arts in partnership with NEFA and the other regional arts organizations , will support jazz artists throughout the United States through expanded opportunities to tour. Grant guidelines for the program will be posted in April 2019.
Photo: CCX 2017. by Emilie Farrugia/The Day
Creative Communities Exchange Workshop Content Announced
Browse the community initiatives that will be discussed at the biennial Creative Communities Exchange (CCX)! And be sure to make your travel plans soon - reserve a hotel room at the Capitol Plaza by May 1 or a dorm room at Vermont College of Fine Arts' Visitor Housing by May 31. Go to www.CCXNewEngland.org for links and to sign up to carpool, too.
from left: Claudia Alick, Jonathan McCrory, Ronee Penoi, Steven Raider Ginsburg, and Leslie Tamaribuchi
NTP Welcomes New Advisors

NEFA's National Theater Project (NTP) is thrilled to welcome five new advisors (Claudia Alick, Jonathan McCrory, Ronee Penoi, Steven Raider Ginsburg, and Leslie Tamaribuchi) who will review over 100 eligible applications for the 2019 Creation & Touring Grant finalist deadline.
Apply for a Grant
Save the Date!
Mechanics Hall | Worcester, MA
October 30, 2019
New England Foundation for the Arts | 617.951.0010 | info@nefa.org | NEFA.org
The New England Foundation for the Arts invests in artists and communities and fosters equitable access to the arts, enriching the cultural landscape in New England and the nation. NEFA accomplishes this by granting funds to artists and cultural organizations; connecting them to networks and knowledge-building opportunities; and analyzing their economic contributions. NEFA serves as a regional partner for the National Endowment for the Arts, New England’s state arts agencies, and private foundations.   Learn more at nefa.org
Become a part of the work that we do to sustain the arts in New England and beyond.