Winter Newsletter
Thank you for signing up for the NH Children’s System of Care (CSoC) bi-monthly newsletter aimed at improving the behavioral health of Granite State children, youth and their families through a network of resources and support. The NH CSoC website provides an easy-to-use mental and behavioral health resource and support directory.
What is CSoC?
Following a system of care approach, CSoC relies on an integrated and comprehensive network of community-based services and supports with a broad array of individualized services to help children and youth function better at home, in school, in the community, and throughout life.

Using core values as a guide, CSoC promotes community advocacy, outreach, and awareness while working toward positive mental health outcomes for NH’s children, youth, and their families. The NH CSoC website provides an easy-to-use mental and behavioral health resource and support directory.

How can CSoC help my family?
With a coordinated and collaborative effort involving multiple entities across the state with leadership from the NH Department of Health and Human Services and the NH Department of Education, CSoC is comprised of over 50 organizations who work collaboratively to support children in the Granite State with mental health challenges. View a few CSoC supports below or for a full list of resources, visit the Help for Families page.
FAST Forward
Serves youth with serious emotional disturbances and their families whose needs are not met by traditional service streams and programs. 
Helps youth and families get the right level of treatment and ensures that treatment addresses the underlying issues.
Early Childhood
A family-led program for infants, toddlers, and children ages birth through five with
emotional challenges

Juvenile Services
Provides supervision and rehabilitative services to youth adjudicated under state law as delinquent or as Children In Need of Services.

Rapid Response
A centralized contact center for individuals experiencing a mental health and/or substance use crisis services are accessible by calling or texting 833-710-6477, 24/7 including holidays. 
Magnify Voices Submission Open
Students in 5th through 12th grade are invited to enter the art contest to showcase their experiences with mental health to raise awareness, erase the stigma and effectuate change.
Children's System of Care |