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June News 2019
Are you often diverted from your goals? Or does any goal, beyond getting through the day, send you into overwhelm? Whichever it is, if you'd like to embrace a new sense of purpose, there's something you probably need to do first.

If you decide to redecorate, for example, you wouldn't begin by moving in new furniture. You'd likely start by stripping the wallpaper and pulling up the carpets. As the familiar top layer comes away we often discover yellowing newspapers or old marks on the wall where we've measured our children's heights as they grew. It can be a necessary - and often cathartic - trip through the past to prepare a space more suited to how we envisage our future.

As we throw out the old, we let go of familiar attachments and say goodbye to a previous way of life. There may be nostalgic tears as we acknowledge a phase in life that's now passed and reassess where we are now. 

This is the step that we often miss when we want to step into a new dream and trying to bypass it, is like moving forward with invisible cords pulling us backwards. 

So if you want to move forward in some area - or you're feeling overwhelmed at the thought of change - maybe there are some goodbyes that need to be faced up to first. 

This issue contains lots of ways to help you compassionately prepare for a new direction.

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach

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Content Links
Quick Deadline Reminders
Heart Healing - Roses & Crystals
From Surviving to Thriving
New Hathor Meditation
Karma Connection - Ways We Violate Our Own Boundaries
Monkey Business
Free Tarot Card Reading
Soul & Spirit Awards: Prizes & A Favour
Calming Room Spray & 20% Off Men's Range
Mary Magdalene & The Divine Feminine
New Grounding Mat - Wifi Protection
Quick Deadline Reminders
This month's offer ends June 23
  • Heart Working
    Connect to the Heart of Your Business 
    Would you like a healthier relationship with your business - one that didn't use 'tactics' and was aligned with your values? 
    Sufi businessman Mark Silver has helped thousands of people with this 9 week course that helps you heal your relationship with business and money so that you can share your gifts with the world. Best of all, you only pay what you can - so money isn't an obstacle. (If you clicked the link in the last issue, it may not have gone to the right page, but it's correct now)
Heart Healing - Roses & Crystals
Does your heart need healing? If you're avoiding feeling the pain of old wounds or you're feeling depressed or unworthy of love, this crystal essence is ideal.

Rhodochrosite's soft pink light indicates that it's a master heart healer and this is how it shows itself in personal attunements, where it's a frequent visitor. Our heart is the great transforming centre of the body, where Heaven meets Earth and it's where we're so often taught to bury our sadness and hurt.

This crystal essence asks you to face your feelings and your current reality through the eyes of love and compassion. With deep understanding it helps you gently release your pain and make space for new love and lessons learned from the pain of the past. Rhodochrosite is one of the essences that currently has 20% off on Crystal Herbs offer page.

Rosa Deep Secret - Releases Negative Energies
Rose Essences - Healing Your Heart Roses belong to their own essence system that all work on the heart - the chakra that balances and illuminates our emotions. Simply smelling or visualising a rose will open and calm your heart. They truly are a gift from Source.

Whether it's shame, secrets or heartbreak, the right rose essence will transform it into light. Roses can banish negative energy, bring back your connection to spirit, awaken fun and joy and a knowing that you're enough.

Reader Discount Code  This month I've agreed a reader discount of 25% on all sets of Rose essences. It applies to the full set of 20 rose essences or a self select set of 10 - choose either 10 ml or 25 ml. Just insert the code RoseSet2019 at checkout. You can add other items to your basket, the discount will only be applied to the rose essences.
From Surviving to Thriving
Woman Lamp
Are you in survival mode? When we feel overwhelmed by life we tend to stay with what's familiar - whether it works or not - because we feel too confused, scared or exhausted to try anything different. The inner message is to keep your head down and just get through it.

It's very much the attitude of someone seeing life as a battle and is likely to be fed by ancestral imprinting, which can be deeply unconscious. Most of us have someone in our family line who spent time either actively fighting or on a war footing. They may have struggled with rationing, air-raids, poverty or exploitation.  They may have hidden their true identity in fear of being discovered and exposed, ostracised, imprisoned or deported.
Ancestral imprinting is also one reason why we can feel that if we were to start crying we might never stop, or if we were to allow our anger to surface we might become dangerously out of control. Sometimes we're not just expressing our own feelings about current events, it's an outlet for generations of unresolved emotional pain.

If you decide to trace it back, it may not be easy to discover the darker side of your family history, as either nobody wants to talk about it or it's been rewritten in a more acceptable way.  However, if we want to move out of survival mode it's important to unpack this kind of family baggage so that we can disconnect from inherited, knee-jerk reactions. The more we try to exclude or hide a family wound, the more that story will repeat through the generations in different versions, until somebody heals it.

Family Album There are only so many times we can whitewash our emotional history before cracks begin to appear. A sense of overwhelm when you contemplate change is often a sign that it's time to strip it back. First you need to deal with what's already there - then, when there's space, you'll have the clarity and energy to welcome in something new.

The fastest and most efficient way to clear our emotional past is to use the deeper acting essences in attunements and in the essence ranges that bring old feelings to the surface. 

As you feel emotions moving through, a Bach essence blend can be just what's needed to enable you to stay balanced and able to deal with daily life, even as you process stormy emotional weather.  hathor

' A day before the essence attunement arrived I felt my great grandad around so this is definitely the start of my ancestral healing - things are surfacing already.' Jayne, Reiki Healer, West Yorkshire
New Hathor Meditation
Angel Wings
A Song of Gratitude to the Earth 
If you've followed me for a while you'll know I have three Hathor guides so I'm delighted that psychotherapist and sound therapist Tom Kenyon has brought through another Hathor message and musical download.

The short simple message of this most recent song is about gratitude. The Hathors start by saying that the point of the song is firstly: to be a means of comfort to you as you enter the harmonic field of being that gave birth to this song. And the second purpose is to provide a way for you to extend this comfort to other beings from afar. 

So it will not only raise your own vibration but it will be a blessing to all.

NB the recordings only appear on the page when you click the listening agreement
Workshops: Tom is only doing two workshops this year in September and November.  Read details of workshops in Washington & New York
Join the Karma Connection  
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Recent posts include:  ways we violate our own boundaries, the most eye-opening ten minutes of your life, everything you know about addiction is wrong and how trauma distorts our world view and breaks our heart.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (maybe you're reading this on Facebook or Twitter) please sign up to the newsletter first on the website or use the gold 'Join My Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection
Not Yet Approved to Join? If you're on the mailing list as David Gibson but your Facebook name is the Wizard of Wallingford:) you won't be approved to join, so please email  your Facebook name if it's different to the name on the mailing list (I don't 'private' message). 
Monkey Business
Baby Monkey with Her Cat
Baby Monkey with Her Cat
A heart-warming story which shows that it's the qualities that we embody, rather than what we look like, that matter.

If Monkey shows up as a totem in your de luxe attunements or your dreams, it may be inviting you to give attention to your family and social network.
Monkey brings the qualities of curiosity, flexibility, playfulness and adventurousness, so if you have one arrive as your totem, life often gets quite lively, fun and more sociable than usual:)
Free Tarot Card Reading
Card Reading This three card reading offers a fresh perspective on your past, present and future.

Focus on opening to guidance then choose the three cards your drawn to. award  

Soul & Spirit Awards: Prizes & A Favour
Soul & Spirit Awards This very popular magazine is offering three top prizes to those of you who vote in this year's awards, including Reiki Training and wellbeing bundles.

If you enjoy my newsletter, attunements and essences, as well as my monthly Soul & Spirit features, could I ask you to nominate me? The most appropriate section would be: 3)  Most Inspiring Life Coach/Healer.   

Thank you so much:) Sending you heartfelt appreciation.
Want to step up? Try Karmic Power essence
Calming Room Spray & 20% Off Men's Range
Calming Room Spray
Feeling stressed?
This combination of essential oils will rapidly create a calming energy. Heart-opening Rose, relaxing and grounding Patchouli, balancing and uplifting Geranium, all bring you back to your centre where you can breathe deeply and think clearly. 

For a balanced perspective, try misting this  Calming Room Spray

Mens Offer
20% Off the Entire Men's Range For Father's Day The young men in my family always ask me for the aromatherapy cologne and the gently cleansing face wash, which is suitable for all skin types. I've yet to test them on the body wash or moisturiser but maybe now the time has come:)  Browse & order men's range

Follow this June offer link which will update with new offers, as time goes by.

NYR Spring Brochure
New Product - Frankincense Intense hand serum is clinically proven to firm and hydrate skin and reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles and age spots. Read more about the new hand serum

Products are available in the UK, Ireland, France & Germany. Browse Spring Brochurecps

Please follow my Neal's Yard Facebook page to be first to hear about offers and new products.
Mary Magdalene & The Divine Feminine
Sat 20 July 10-5pm London SW7
Rose Woman
Do you feel the Magdalene calling you?  There's an awakening in the hearts and minds of those who remember her essence. Her sacred energies have been rooted in the fertile soil of our souls for over two thousand years and have been growing steadily into conscious awareness. Mary Magdalene's archetypal energy is beginning to rise again like a phoenix from the flames.

An archetypal wounding within both the masculine and feminine in society today needs healing to bring about a shift in consciousness. Both sexes have shut down vital feminine expressions of themselves - either their emotions or their power, respectively. It's only by rebalancing the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves, and collectively, that we'll be able to live a more heart-centred existence.

She is calling to us now - are you ready to answer her call?

Join Mel in connecting to Mary Magdalene and the energy of the Divine Feminine.

Handbook For Sensitive People
This workshop consists of sacred connection through guided meditations to bring about healing, empowerment, personal messages and an integration of the divine feminine energies within oneself. (Please bring a journal with you.) Mel will also share some of the channelled messages that she has received over the last few years. 

Visit Mel's website for her blog, a book signing in Cheltenham and an October retreat in Devon for highly sensitive people.
Want to create a happy inner marriage? Try Inner Balance - Masculine & Feminine Harmony essence
New: Grounding Mat - Wifi Protection
Kenkoground Would you like to feel more relaxed, positive, focused and sleep better?
We live in a world that has an increasingly charge with positive ions. That may sound a good thing, but unfortunately it isn't. 

Surroundings rich in negative ions, such as the seaside or pine forests allow us to relax - our spirits are uplifted and we feel refreshed. When we're in places where there's a build up of positive ions, such as around computers, in traffic or polluted areas, we start to feel irritable, it's hard to concentrate and we get headaches and other symptoms of chronic stress. 

As we spend more and more time in wireless environments and less time in nature, the results of this imbalance can erode our enjoyment of life, including the quality of our sleep, and we may develop chronic symptoms that we're  told we just 'have to live with'.  This is likely to get worse with the introduction of 5G. You can see if it's reached your area on this link and sign up to be notified when it does.

Kenkoground Infographic Happily the Japanese have always been at the forefront of understanding the consequences of separating ourselves from Nature. Their traditions use nature to combat stress and depression and they started actively promoting 'forest bathing' in the 1980s. 

Nikken teamed up with a magnetic research company in Japan in 1975 and have been scientifically researching solutions ever since. The most recent result is this lightweight, portable grounding mat which:
  • neutralises positive charges 
  • connects you with the negative charge of the Earth 
  • protects you from electromagnetic fields 
This is done using: 
  • a high concentration of reflective fibres 
  • silver ions implanted in the material have a 'sputtering' technology which makes it highly conductive 
  • the silver's protected by a silicon coating which also makes it water resistant 
You can use it:
  • under your feet when using computers or other devices
  • in bed, to improve the quality of your sleep
  • over your shoulders, if you notice your neck and shoulders are tense
  • in contact with bare skin
Read more and order you'll find the grounding mat in the Rest and Relaxation section of the website. Tips for new customers and phone ordering details below. A new ordering system is being introduced at the moment so your basket may take longer than usual to load - please be patient.

Water bottle filter New Nano Bottle Filters Previous filters made the biodegradable water bottle rather heavy. The new lighter filters still fit the current bottles and it's easier to draw the water through. They come with a fresh drinking tube and remove micro plastics, viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, protozoa, chemical contaminants and much more.

Water Bottle Graphic Half Price Bottle Offer Bundle With each new filter you can get a water bottle for 21 GBP instead of the usual 42 GBP: so 36 GBP for both. Order the new filter with a half price water bottle

Please note: the bottle comes with the original filter in it. Offer ends Aug 31.

How to Order UK You can order the  new bottle filters online in the Accessories & Replacement Parts section or via autoship which gives you 10% off and slightly lower shipping costs.  If it's your first time ordering online you'll be asked to register at checkout. Once registered you can also use your Customer ID to order over the phone Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm on 0800 0132 142.  Please tick during registration to say you're happy to be contacted by me or I won't be able to help you.

Outside the UK? Order either by phone on +44 1908 202422 Mon-Fri or online via the international website. Link and instructions here Product code for the new filter is #1378. If you'd like the new filter + bottle offer it's #88056. 

For the USA please contact Nikken consultant  Vanessa Francis or go straight to her Nikken website

Making Light of It
Freedom Angel
'It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.'  
E.E. Cummings

Try Free Your True Self essence
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