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Current Walk-in Hours 

City Plan Zoning staff are available for walk-in inquiries Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. Our office will be closed Monday Dec 25, 2023 and Monday Jan 1, 2024. Should you need to drop in another time please contact us to make an appointment. 

Vision 2035 Comprehensive Plan is On!

Vision 2035 is a blueprint of the city's vision for the future, and a policy guide for achieving planning goals. It serves as a decision-making guide for residents, community leaders, and government officials in matters relating to land use, housing, transportation, sustainability, economic development, neighborhood planning, public investments, and capital improvement programs. City Plan has been working closely with Consultant teams FHI and Led By Us on the exciting launch of this process. The plan will focus on conservation, development, equity and resilience. We hope you'll get involved by joining us at the launch meeting or serving as a leader in the process!

Apply Now! Applications Open for Vision 2035 Community Navigators and Steering Committee Representatives

City Plan is accepting applications for paid Community Navigator engagement leaders for Vision 2035, New Haven’s Comprehensive Plan. This is a part-time, temporary position through 2025. Community Navigators will be involved in engagement across all plan topics, strategizing on how to reach populations often excluded by traditional outreach methods, acting as liaison to those groups/individuals, and trained to host and facilitate public input meetings using a facilitation toolkit. Click here for information and to complete the application:

City Plan Partners on Successful Environmental Justice Grant

Last month, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro held a press conference with Common Ground and the City of New Haven for a recently awarded $500,000 grant from an EPA Environmental Justice program. The funding will go to the New Haven Ecology Project-Green Jobs Corps Program of Common Ground to engage New Haven high school students in paid jobs related to environmental justice. Project topics will include climate change, air quality, land revitalization, and food insecurity. The City Plan Department is proud to be a partner on the grant and will host 4 students who will serve as leaders in the Vision 2035 Comprehensive Plan Process. Other partners include Haven's Harvest, Nappesoul, Inc., New Haven Climate Movement, and the Urban Resources Initiative. Read more here.

Welcome Kaelie to City Plan

Kaelie Moran joins the staff as a Planner II focused on our Environmental Review and FEMA rating system regulations. She is an environmental and urban planner, with a Bachelor's in Environmental Engineering and is pursuing a Master's Degree in Energy & Environmental Management with a GIS Certification from UConn. Kaelie's planning interests are in environmentalism and sustainability and she enjoyed serving as a volunteer mentor and resource for other students at UConn. Outside of career and school work, she likes to spend time outdoors and travel as much as possible!

Seeking Public Input for 1 to 2 Way Conversions Downtown

The City of New Haven and the South Central Regional Council of Governments have started a study for converting multiple one-way streets in downtown New Haven to two-way streets. However, public input is needed, especially in determining potential issues and benefits. The following are the streets being observed for changes:

  • York Street from Martin Luther King Boulevard to Grove Street
  • George Street from York Street to Church Street
  • Church Street from George Street to Grove Street
  • Chapel Street from Park Street to College Street

Please fill out the following survey (you DO NOT need a Gmail Account to complete). For more information on conceptual designs of the street, please click here.

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Phase 2 and 3 Is on Its Way

In October of 2021, the City of New Haven and the Board of Alders approved the ordinance to allow Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) citywide except in RS-3 zones. ADUs are smaller homes attached or detached from an already pre-existing home. These units must follow the city building requirements as listed in the ordinance. Since its passage, approximately 11 ADUs have been provided relief by the Board of Zoning Appeals. The City Plan Department has submitted the next phase of this ordinance to the Board of Alders with the goal of encouraging more ADU creation. Topics and potential changes include lifting the owner-occupancy requirement and the minimum 4,000 sq ft. minimum lot size. For more information on ADUs and if you are eligible to create one, click here for the ADU Toolkit. 

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