New Heights Newsletter
Upcoming Important Dates
February 22nd: Pink Shirt Day

February 24th: A Cup of Love fundraiser for the Ukraine

March 12th: Daylight Savings Time (Spring Ahead)

March 16th: Science Fair
New Heights Results Report for Alberta Education
The New Heights Results Report for the Alberta Education Assurance model has been completed and published.

It is now available on our website here.
Save the Date
March 1 - Early bird tickets go live (more info to come)

March 20-24 - Drop off your silent auction item at school
The New Heights annual Science Fair
The Science Fair is back in-person and onsite this year!
When: Thursday, March 16th from 9:00am-11:45am
Where: New Heights School
How it works:
Participating in the Science Fair is optional. Students who wish to participate in the Science Fair fill out a planning sheet ahead of time, and bring it back to the school by Thursday, March 2nd. When the project is approved, the students can start working on them.
Students work on their Science Fair creations, projects and/or presentations at home.
Participants in the Science Fair will be presenting their projects to students and staff in different locations at the school on the morning of Thursday, March 16th.
The Science Fair is a student-only event. Videos and photos will be shared on Instagram as well as in the newsletter for parents to follow. To participate in the Science Fair, students should be able to present their project on their own, or have it recorded in advance to share as a 2-3 minute video.
Cup of Love
New Heights is joining a number of other schools across Alberta with a hot chocolate fundraiser on Friday, February 24th.
All proceeds from the hot chocolate sales will go through Firefighter Aid Ukraine to support Misto Dobra orphanage.
Bring a toonie or two on Friday, February 24th. Hot chocolate will be available from 11:00am until after pick up for students, parents and staff, for $2/cup.
Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) Survey
Alberta Education is conducting their 2022-2023 Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) Survey over the next month. Parents and guardians of students in Grades 4 to 12 may receive survey information in the mail from Alberta Education. This information will include links and a code to complete the survey online. Paper copies can be requested if needed.

The results of the Assurance Survey give New Heights and Alberta Education information and evidence about the quality of your child’s education. It informs goals and plans for improvement, as well as celebrates the areas that are done well.

Alberta Education will be conducting their annual Assurance Survey with parents/guardians until March 17, 2023.

Survey results are made available to school authorities, and will inform our New Heights Education Plan as well as be reported in our Annual Education Results Report.
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