New Heights Newsletter
Upcoming Important Dates
January 22nd: PD Day (day off for students)

January 26th: Re-registration packages due for current students
Early Registration for 2024-2025 for current students
Early registration packages for current students have now been sent home.

If you have not received your registration package, or if you have questions about re-registration, contact Alison Black, our Admissions Coordinator, at

Early registration packages for current students are due on Friday, January 26th, 2024. 

Our wait list will be open to new students on February 1st, 2024.
Gala: Save the date
Reminder from PAC
Airline ticket bookets are due back on January 15th.

We do have extra tickets if anyone needs more.
Casino volunteer sign-up
Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to volunteer for the Casino fundraiser.
There are still spots availible!

The event is scheduled for Friday, March 15th and Saturday, March 16th, 2024 at the Elbow River Casino. 

Reminder: This is part of your community commitment please pick a time that works for someone in your family.

No experience is necessary, and all positions are trained and supervised at the event. Additional details will be sent to volunteers prior to the event.

Please use the following link to sign up for a shift.
New Heights 2022.2023 Results Report for Alberta Education
The New Heights 2022.2023 Results Report for the Alberta Education Assurance model has been completed and published as of November 29th, 2023.

It is now available on our website here.
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