New Heights Newsletter

Important dates

October 18 - PAC Ladies night

October 24 - Virtual PAC meeting

October 28 - PD Day (no school for students)

November 1: School Photo Day (re-takes will be offered)

November 1: PAC Mens night

Lost and Found

Our lost and found is overflowing!

If you see an item below that belongs to you or your student - please email the office to claim.

Otherwise these items will be donated at the end of next week.


PAC parent nights are coming up! Ladies night on October 18th and mens night on November 1st. 

Click here for more information and to RSVP for LADIES night:

Click here for more information and to RSVP for MENS night:

Our next PAC meeting is coming up on Thursday Oct. 24th at 6:30pm. This meeting will be online only. All parents/guardians are invited and welcome! If you would like to attend, email to be sent the link to join.

Save the date


Interested in Volunteering or join the Gala committee please sign up below:


Halloween at New Heights

At New Heights, many of our students love Halloween! On Thursday, October 31st, students are welcome and encouraged to dress up in Halloween costumes if they would like to. As we have students who are age 5 to 20 years old in the building, please be considerate of the age range and do not send costume props that appear violent or overly gory.

For further questions or clarification on classroom Halloween activities and guidelines, please contact your classroom teaching team.

To ensure an optimal learning environment, please keep Halloween candy at home.

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