NHC Connections Header
April 9 - 16,  2014
Saturday - Work Day 8:30 AM - Noon
Palm Sunday - Communion
- 10:00 AM Sunday School for all ages
- 10:45-10:55 Pre-service Prayer
- 11:00 AM Worship 
- 11:30 AM Children's Church
-  5:00 PM Refuge, for young people
- Men In Christ  7 PM
- Prayer Meeting @ NHC 7 PM
Pre-service Prayer  10:45 AM
Prayer Focus - Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life
This quiet time before the service is provided to prepare for the service through prayer and meditation.
Upcoming Events
The Cross
Work Day - April 12
Palm Sunday - April 13
Passover Seder - April 18
Easter - April 20
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Previously posted Reflections.
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 Yeshua in the Passover - April 18
Yeshua in the Passover

Come join us for our Seder Friday, April 18, 6 - 8 PM at New Hope Chapel. This year's event includes a special Kid's Seder for ages 4-10, and nursery care too. Invite your friends to be with you at the table.  Space is limited. Please make your reservation today for this free event! Contact Barbara to volunteer.
Yard and Shed Clean up - This Saturday
Yard Work
April 12, 8:30 AM - Noon. Join us in caring for our property and facility. We'll be raking, pruning, mulching, and cleaning out the shed. Bring your tools and gloves. Coordinator: Gary Coombes
(Thanks Bud for cleaning out the gutters!)
Sermon Series  Jan. 5 - April 20
Podcasts of sermons
The Master is our current teaching series exploring the seven signs, seven discourses and seven revolutionary claims all made by the masterful Savior.
This Sunday....
"Jesus, The Master over Death and Life" 
Scripture: John 11:1-57 
Teacher: Pastor Justin Hibbard
Women's Retreat  "Unexpected God"
Skycroft Conference Center Join the women for their annual retreat at Skycroft Conference Center, Middletown, MD, May 2 - 4. This year's study, "Unexpected God" will be taught by author and speaker Julie Coleman.
If you would like to attend e-mail  Melanie or talk to her Sunday. $135 includes two night stay in a double occupancy room with private bath, six nutritious buffet meals, fantastic Bible teaching, fun fellowship and a great mountain view. Payment needed April 20.
New Hope Chapel Small Groups   

Get plugged-in to a small group.

Refuge (ages 9 - teens) -  2nd Sunday @ 5 PM  
Women's Bible Study - Mondays @ 7:30 PM
Men's Bible Study - Tuesdays @ 7 PM
Prayer Meeting - Wednesdays @ 7 PM 
Homeschool Club at NHC - Friday @ 2 PM 
Women's Bible Study - Monday @ 7:30 PM
Women are welcome to come to the Monday night study of 1Timothy at Julie's  home. Please email Julie or call (410) 757-6280 to get the study materials and to know what passage they will be discussing.
Homeschool Club at NHC - Friday, 2 - 4 PM
Homeschool Club
Join other students in K - 12 Fridays 2 - 4 PM at NHC. Each week there is a different activity which can include service projects and field trips. This is a great way for the parents and children to build friendships and learn. To join them and for current plans contact Kristin Bloom.
Local Ministry Opportunities
share the love of God
where we can serve....
"Chores n More - provide transportation to an appointment or to the store. 
"My Brother's Pantry" - provide nonperishable unexpired food. A box is in the Cafe.
Pregnancy Clinic Ministry -  provide help at one of their clinics. See their website 
Sunday Bible Classes
Sunday School 10:00 - 10:45 AM
Ages 0-2, nursery - Karlene Hibbard
Ages 3-4, room 5 - Kristin Bloom 
Ages 5-8, room 1 - Jessica Smith
Ages 9-11, room 2 - Carolyn Johanson
Grades 7-12, room 3 - Rick Sardella
Adults - room 6 - Steve Coleman - studying Matthew

Baby and Toddler care (ages 0-2) in the Nursery 11:00 - 12:15

Children's Church Bible classes 11:30 - 12:15
  Ages 3-5, in room 5..... teaching team - Loris & Karl, JoAnn & Walter, Karlene & Juan
  Ages 6-11, in room 1... teaching team - Don Cruse and Andrea Nebbia
(6-12 yr old children stay in church for the sermon on the 1st Sunday of the month.)
Online Giving is Available
Our secure online giving is once again available through PayPal.  You can give a one time gift or set up a recurring monthly gift.  
Don't have a PayPal account? No problem. You can give with a major credit card. 


Men in Christ - Tuesdays @ 7 PM
Men in Christ
Fulfill your spiritual, family, work, emotional and physical goals with "Men in Christ" - a tele-connect discipleship group for men. Click for details and to sign-up.
Live study meets at Justin's home at 7 PM.