Off to Camp We Go!
This week we have 41 preteens and counselors at camp! We ask that you join us in praying over this week, specifically for:

--those who don't know much about Jesus to begin to discover who He is and how much He loves them

--those who have already asked Jesus into their hearts, that their love and trust in Him would grow

--the camp staff and our counselors would have wisdom in teaching God's word

--good health and safety for all campers and counselors

--safe travels the entire time
Join Our New Hope Kids Facebook Group
Stay up-to-date on all that's happening with kids at camp through our Facebook group! You'll also find inside peeks of kids learning and playing, resources, family activity ideas, upcoming events and more! This group is private so you can be confident your child's photos are protected.
Cathy Smith
Kids Pastor
Infants - 5th Grade
Stay connected during the week!