Preschool Hope Groups, Sundays 9:30 & 11 am
Elementary Hope Groups, Sundays 9:30 & 11 am

Are your kids asking questions about God?

This is a salvation and baptism class for children who are asking questions about becoming a Christ follower and wish to follow through with believer's baptism by immersion. This class is a no-pressure class that will answer children's questions and walk a child carefully through their understanding of the choice they are making. The Washed Service is Oct. 29.

This four-week class (Oct. 1, 8, 15, and 22) involves parent participation at home. Parents must attend the first class meeting with their child.

For more Information and to Sign-Up

Mission Friends

Wednesdays / 6:15 pm / CHILD 111

Mission Friends will help preschoolers know God's love is for the world. Through engaging activities, games, and stories each week, preschoolers will move from a focus on self to a focus on others.

Preschoolers can learn about missions through:

-Bible thoughts related to missions

-fun hands-on activities

-mission stories remaining"!

Go Kids (1st-3rd)

Wed. / 6:15 pm / CHILD 203/205

Go Kids will help 1st-3rd graders discover God's truth and love, and with Jesus' help, "GO" tell others this good news!

Go Kids meet on Wednesdays during the school year. Check-in for Go Kids is 6:15 pm (upstairs Children's Bldg. 203/205); pick up by 7:30 pm (promptly).

Bible Drill (4th-5th)

Wed. / 6:15 pm / CHILD 201

Memorization of scripture sticks with a believer for the rest of his or her life. At Bible Drill, 4th-5th graders will develop strong scripture memory skills while learning the books of the Bible and key biblical passages.

Bible Drillers will work on Bible skills for competition at the local, area and state levels.

Preteen Bible Study (4th-5th)

Wed. / 6:15 pm / Portable

Preteens, we invite you to come hang out with friends, play games and gaga ball, and discover how your faith can help you confront the things you deal with every day. Preteen Bible Study will meet on Wednesdays during the school year. Check-in is at 6:15 pm; pick-up is at 7:30 pm (promptly).

Education Connection

Training in August

Did you know that you can impact the greater Austin area community by the simple act of volunteering to read with children for 30 minutes a week? There’s a place for you to make a difference in a child’s education and life.

Yes!, I'm Interested in Education Connection

Join Our New Hope Kids Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all that's happening with our kids and preschoolers through our Facebook group! You'll also find inside peeks of kids learning and playing, resources, family activity ideas, upcoming events and more! This group is private so you can be confident your child's photos are protected.

Connect with Us

Cathy Smith

Kids Pastor

Infants - 5th Grade

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