January 23, 2024


Wednesday Opportunities

Youth: 6 PM in the Youth Lounge

Adult Bible Study: 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall

Sunday Services

9:00 AM - Bible Study Groups

10:00 AM - Worship


Over the past several weeks, there have been a lot of activities after the gas leak was discovered during our Christmas Eve service. This message is to give everyone an update on that situation.

After discovering the gas leak that Sunday, the gas company came out, found the leak, and replaced the entire pipe running from the city main line to the church. They made sure everything was fixed, did a double check, and we were allowed to re-open the church before the next Sunday’s service. We were told that we should expect some lingering residual gas smells around the building, and we have experienced that. 


We appreciate everyone’s diligence in reporting these occurrences. They have all been investigated and found to be either residual fumes or a little normal venting smell from the outside pipe blown into the building. We feel very confident with the repairs made but still take all these reports seriously. In order to help us monitor this situation, the church has purchased a tool that can read gas levels in the air, and our security team will have access to that tool.  

Going forward, if you detect anything that concerns you, please notify one of the security team members so they can check it out immediately. This same protocol should be used not just for this specific concern with the gas, but for any safety or security concern you have while you are at the church. Security members can be found at the Portico door as well as in the Narthex every Sunday. There will also be additional members mingled within the congregation. They will be wearing the small blue Welcome badges.


Thank you all again for your support,

NHBC Safety & Security Team


Women on Mission of New Hope invites all women of the church to our next meeting on February 6 at 10:00 am in the church library. Join us for mission opportunities and fellowship as we seek to serve the Lord in our community.


Save the Date: Our Senior Adult Ministry's next luncheon/meeting

will be Tuesday, Feb.13 at 11:30.


The Administrative Council conducted its first meeting in 2024 on January 14th. We covered several agenda items. One of the first business items was to elect the new officers for 2024. The results were as follows: Linda Fowler, Chair, Jeral Mooneyham, Vice-Chair, John Jones, Secretary, Susan Simpson, Assistant Secretary. The other members of the Council are as follows: Michael Buffaloe, Sherman Holt, Debbie Davis, Rick Bordeaux, Pastor Paul Jimenez, and the attending members of the Foster Council. For this month’s meeting, the FC representative was Mary Wallace Wilson.


First on the agenda was an email from the Personnel Committee Chair. In an effort to be completely transparent and provide all the facts, we are sharing the relevant parts of those communications. The Chairman sent a recommendation to the Fostering Council that quote, “…they temporarily suspend the personnel committee and have those few remaining duties performed by the Fostering Council.” The council agreed and presented us with the following statement:


“Under the revitalization covenant between NH and PC, the ByLaws were suspended. However, as a means of continuing to operate “normally” during the period prior to having a new structure in place, the FC has asked NH to continue normal operations as much as possible. Given the request by the personnel Committee, recognizing low activity and the efficiency of letting the FC proceed on such matters, it seems reasonable for the FC to handle any personnel matters, especially since a vote on the new structure and polity is expected in April.

 Next, we had a report from the Treasurer and an update from the revitalization Sub-Committee. Those details will be coming to you through the FC Newsletter and the financial update sent out from the office. The Ministry Partners Liaison Team reported next. All of our Ministry Partners renewed their covenants for 2024. Copies of those will continue to be available for viewing in the office. We had two changes. Breakthrough Ministry reduced their times of service. The Raleigh Dream Center took 1 room off of their covenant, D203, and added 1 new room, C112. The worship service part of their ministry has outgrown the Fellowship Hall so they have rented the Sanctuary on Tuesday night just for the worship portion.

The church is in need of a volunteer to assist the office in coordinating all the various parts of funerals being held at the church. This individual would also work with the Deacon Bereavement Team. If this is an area of ministry in which you are interested, please contact Carol in the church office.

The AC has approved several requests from the Kitchen Committee. They have created a cleaning checklist to be used by ALL groups using the kitchen. They have also provided the checklist, along with blank copies of the Incident Report Form available in the kitchen area. They are working with the office to get quotes from a professional company to do a “deep clean” of the kitchen. We have had several people concerned about the condition of the stove in the kitchen. A technician came out to evaluate the stove and assured us that there was no leak and the stove is working properly.

Respectfully Submitted,

New Hope Baptist Church Administrative Council


2023 Contribution Statements were mailed out last week to donors.


Please use the incident report form for specific items to address your general concerns. Please, no second-hand parties, as this makes it hard to investigate concerns and delays our response. Pick up a form in the church office

or Download Here. Drop the completed form off at the office

or email it to [email protected]

The Church Office is open

Monday through Thursday,

9 am - 1 pm.

Glorify God. Grow in Christ. Give your life away. Go into all the world.
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~ Come Worship With Us ~

At 10 AM In-Person or on Facebook Live