Hello New Hope,

Below you will find a detailed summary from our prayer ministry leader, Jane Sironen explaining the emphasis that our church puts on prayer, and why it is such an incredibly important part of your walk with the Lord!

Take a moment to see if there is any area of prayer that you may be able to use to strengthen your faith journey and be sure to reach out to Jane with any questions you may have.

In Christ,

New Hope Community Church Staff


Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Prayer is important as it is the way we communicate with our amazing God. May it be our desire at New Hope to follow God’s instructions concerning prayer.

Matthew 6:33 – We are to seek God first.

1Thessalonians 5:17 – We are to pray without ceasing.

Matthew 6:6 – We are to go into our closets and pray in solitude.

Matthew 18:19-20, Acts 1:14 and Acts 2:42 – We are to pray together.

New Hope has several opportunities for us to gather together in prayer.

1. The first Saturday of each month from 7:00am to 8:00am at the church

2. The first Monday of each month at noon at the church

3. At all of the Small Groups that meet throughout the week

4. At Men’s Bible Study

5. At Women’s Bible Study

6. Prayer and Pie which is quarterly [January 19th, April 12th, July 19th and October 18th] from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the church. We pray for an hour and then fellowship with pie.

7. And of course every Sunday morning as we gather to worship our Lord

Prayer Chain & Requests

New Hope also provides opportunities for you to pray for specific needs among our body of believers by being part of the New Hope Prayer Chain. You can be part of this prayer chain by contacting Jane Sironen at [email protected] - just leave your name and email address with the request to be placed on the prayer chain as an intercessor.

If you have a need that you would like the intercessors to pray for, contact Jane Sironen at [email protected] and leave your prayer request and it will be sent out to the intercessors.

24/7 Prayer Board

Another opportunity to pray for New Hope comes with the 24/7 Prayer Board. The board will be erased at the end of August in order to reboot it the First of September, it will then be rebooted every 4 months [January, May, September]. We would like to cover New Hope with prayer 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Here is how it works:

-The days of the week are across the top of the board.

-Times run along the side and are divided into AM and PM.

-Pick a day and time to pray for New Hope, then put your initials in that time slot.

This is a great opportunity to take a sacrificial moment (which could be very inconvenient depending on the time chosen) out of one day a week and pray for all aspects of New Hope.


Any questions contact Jane Sironen at [email protected].

Prayer Partners

New Hope also has “Prayer Partners” up front, every week after each service, for those who would like personal prayer.

Prayer Prompters

We also hope to roll out a new opportunity for all of us to join together in praying for New Hope by sending out an occasional prayer prompter via email. Be on the lookout for these prompters in our weekly newsletters!


Jane Sironen

(Prayer Ministry Leader)

[email protected]

We exist to glorify God by leading people into life-transforming personal relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Vision 2025: Transformation

*Please note that both the morning and the lunch hour prayer gatherings will be postponed one week due to the Labor Day holiday*

[616-363-2000] [[email protected]] [www.newhopecc.com]
