Small group Bible study that allows students to learn what God’s word says about very specific life situations that most teens experience.

Living out Your Faith

Join us as we explore the Book of James for the next couple of Sundays in your Hope Group.

Sept. 4  Faith on Display in Hard Times

Sept. 11 Faith on Display in Your Relationships

Sept. 18 Faith on Display in Your Actions

Sept. 25 Faith on Display in Your Conversations

Oct. 2   Faith on Display in Facing the Enemy

Oct. 9   Faith on Display in Your Priorities

Middle School Hope Group, 9:30 A.M.

Who? When? Where?

6th/7th/8th Girls Hope Group || 9:30 a.m., FLC 213

6th/7th Guys Hope Group || 9:30 a.m., FLC 209

8th Guys Hope Group || 9:30 a.m., FLC 211

High School Hope Group, 11:00 A.M.

Who? When? Where?

9th/10th Guys Hope Group || 11:00 a.m., FLC 209

9th/10th Girls Hope Group || 11:00 a.m., FLC 212

11th/12th Guys Hope Group || 11:00 am, FLC 208

11th/12th Girls Hope Group || 11:00 a.m. FLC 209

First Wednesdays | Sept.7 | 6:15 - 7:30 PM | FLC

Students, we invite you to First Wednesdays! This is a gathering of 6th-12th grade students on the first Wednesday of each month, and is similar but different from New Hope Students Midweek. This specific gathering is meant to be more relaxed, making it easy to invite your unchurched friends to experience the community you love.

At First Wednesdays, students will have the opportunity to meet their leaders, experience worship and teaching, and most importantly - experience something a little outrageous and fun. As the front door to the student ministry, this gathering is a recurring opportunity for students to live on mission!

NH Students

Students, we're excited to announce "Game of the Week" by New Hope Students! Each week, New Hope students and leaders will be present at a designated High School game or event during the fall Semester of 2022. This time is for students and leaders to be with each other and cheer on other New Hope Students as they represent their school! Keep your eye on future newsletters for each week's specific game and details. Go sports!  

Interim Student Pastor





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