HOPE GROUPS: 8:15, 9:30 & 11 AM
WORSHIP: 9:30 & 11 AM

Easter B.L.E.S.S.-ings

We've heard some great stories of New Hopers continuing to use the B.L.E.S.S. strategies to love their neighbors and start/continue meaningful relationships over Easter! Here are a few B.L.E.S.S. moments to celebrate:

--One church member discovered that one of her neighbors (a single, older woman) moved into their neighborhood 6 years ago, and no neighbors ever made an effort to get to know her. On Easter weekend, this New Hoper took her neighbor a bowl of fresh strawberries her family had just picked that morning, and wished her a Happy Easter. Her neighbor was ecstatic, hugging, smiling and expressing the sweetest appreciation.

--After church on Easter Sunday, one New Hoper saw a neighbor sitting in the driveway with her daughter, chalking and blowing bubbles. This New Hoper took her niece, who was visiting for Easter, outside to meet the neighboring child (about the same age), and both were invited to stay and chalk with them. This church member got to ask questions to get to better know this family.

--Easter weekend saw the deepening of one neighboring relationship for a New Hope family. December 2021, a new neighbor moved in, and this New Hope family decided to give their new neighbors a carton of popcorn and sparklers to ring in the New Year. Last October, this family distributed candy on Halloween night in their front yard, with a kid-friendly movie projecting on their garage door. This new family stopped by and made friendly conversation. Over Easter weekend, this neighbor walked over and asked our church member if their family wanted a growing plant she was trying to rehome. This started a deeper and more personal conversation of that neighbor's life situation. Our church member was able to encourage, offer help and identify specific things to pray over.

B.L.E.S.S. really does work, church! It doesn't take special training; only an awareness of the work God is doing around you, and obedience to His promptings regarding those in your spheres of influence. Remember this: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." --Galatians 6:9.

Who is God showing you to B.L.E.S.S.?

Not heard of the B.L.E.S.S. strategies to love your neighbor and change the world, one person at a time? Click to learn more.

Learn More About B.L.E.S.S.
Share Your B.L.E.S.S. Story

Serve Saturday

Apr. 29, 9:00 am, FLC

Join us as we share Christ's love with our community by serving in several practical ways. From assembling teacher bags, to serving at an assisted living center, to prayer walking, we're going to bless our community in multiple ways, in multiple locations.

This is a great family serving opportunity! Show your kids how to serve others as Jesus did. Childcare provided for 3 yrs. and under.

Donation List for April

Collecting for Operation Christmas Child

You've probably heard by now... We're doing Operation Christmas Child a little different this year! From January-June, we will be collecting specific shoebox items for a church-wide packing party in October. Donations can be dropped Sundays in the toy box located in lower Atrium.

April Collection: stuffed animals or dolls (6-8").

Details + Purchase Meal Tickets

Church Picnic

May 7, 2:00-7:00 pm

Lakewood Park

Church family, let's get outdoors and play! Our annual church picnic is such a fun time of relaxing, playing and catching up with friends.

This year, we will be at a NEW LOCATION: Lakewood Park, Leander. Families can purchase meal tickets ($10 each) for a barbecue dinner plate, or can pack their own dinner and bring it. Read about all the new activities at Lakewood Park online.

Kids News
Students News

Weekly Giving

4/9 Budget Goal: $45,410

4/9 Given: $53,359

YTD as of 4/9 Budget Goal: $681,150

YTD as of 4/9 Given: $557,799

Believers in Jesus are called to make God priority over every part of their life -- including finances. We give as an expression of thanksgiving to God and trust that He will provide for our needs.

God's story. Our story. Let's share it. Follow us on social media for encouragement, community, and to share with your family/friends how God is working through New Hope! You can also download the New Hope App to connect to life tools, upcoming events and learning experiences.
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