Hands and Feet in Brazil
Every day believers are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We each get to show those in our spheres of influence the love and kindness of Christ, and share the difference He has made in our life. But every once in a while, God will set apart some to be His hands and feet in an extraordinary way.

On May 25, 13 members from New Hope followed God's call to the Amazon, where they traveled down river by boat, visiting five villages, sharing the love of Jesus and serving over 1,300 people. God used this team to minister to hundreds of people in each village. Each missionary was assigned to different ministry teams, which included evangelism, medical, children, men and women ministries.

The evangelism team went door to door with a local missionary, meeting community members and listening to their stories. The medical team assessed patients for treatments, and provided a mobile pharmacy, dental clinic and vision tests for prescription sunglasses. Every medical team member shared and prayed with each patient.

Every morning and evening the children's team led a mini VBS. The women's ministry team gathered with large groups of women, set up salons where they painted nails, brushed, braided or cut hair and shared their hearts and God's truth. The men's ministry team gathered with all the men in the village square, sharing common experiences, and ultimately the Gospel. Each evening ended with a village Gospel presentation using soccer balls.

New Hope was also able to provide two water wells in two different villages that did not have a clean water source for their community. The water wells were dedicated with a special service proclaiming Jesus as the living water!

As God led, inspired, stretched and pushed our missionaries beyond their comfort zones, each learned how to depend on His strength and grew closer in their relationships with the Lord and with each other. We give God the glory for:
  • ministering to 101 men and 170 women
  • providing dental help to 55 people and medical help to 286 people
  • ministering to 474 children through VBS and blessing 337 families with gifts
  • providing 275 corrective eyeglasses
  • providing 2 water wells

NEW! You can now watch a video podcast of our weekly Deep Dives with Pastor Keith and Pastor Jason! Catch them each Wednesday on Spotify, Facebook or YouTube!

Church Plant Work Day
June 25, July 9 & 16

We are excited to be partnering with Ridgetop Church and see God take a dying church and give it rebirth!

The biggest need our partner needs from us right now is help preparing their facility for their first worship service in August. Projects include demo of walls, removal of ceiling panels, painting and relocation of playground equipment. Can you help?
June 27, 6:30 pm, Larkspur Amenity Center

Ladies, are you in need of rest, friendship and encouragement? Then join us for Woven! This is a night to enjoy food, catch up with friends and enjoy worship and a guest speaker.

This month's theme is Sweet Summertime. Join us for chicken salad, watermelon, worship by Allison Hankins and our guest speaker Nichole Sims!
Mega Camp
July 25-28, 5:30-7:30 pm

Kids, get ready for mega fun at Mega Camp! Kids completed Kinder-5th grade (as of June 2022) can pick one of two tracts that fit their passion: art or sports. Each tract will include special training, rally time, Bible story and snacks. Kindergarten will have their own unique tract, experiencing both areas of sports and art.

Cost is $25 per child (family max of $50).
Weekly Giving

6/12 Budget Goal: $47,800
6/12 Given: $31,102

YTD as of 6/12 Budget Goal: $1,147,200
YTD as of 6/12 Given: $960,143
Believers in Jesus are called to make God priority over every part of their life -- including finances. We give as an expression of thanksgiving to God and trust that He will provide for our needs.
God's story. Our story. Let's share it. Follow us on social media for encouragement, community, and to share with your family/friends how God is working through New Hope! You can also download the New Hope App to connect to life tools, upcoming events and learning experiences.