HOPE GROUPS: 8:15, 9:30 & 11 AM
WORSHIP: 9:30 & 11 AM

Easter is Almost Here!

Out of great love, God sent His Son, Jesus, to break through our brokenness and sin to offer hope and healing. This is very good news and the reason we will gather to celebrate Easter in a little over a week!

Easter is one of those times of year where people who do not normally consider attending worship will come, possibly because a family member or friend has invited them. Be praying about who God is leading you to invite, then take the step of faith to extend that personal invitation.

Help Our Guests

There is no doubt in my mind that every New Hoper wants to make our guests feel welcomed and at ease. Here are two ways you can:

1) Fill Out the Card

On Easter Sunday, I will ask GUESTS AND MEMBERS to fill out a connect card. I earnestly ask you to fill out a card. Why? First, the more of us who participate in filling it out when asked, the more guests feel comfortable in participating and sharing their information with us. This allows us to follow-up with them after Easter.

Second, this gives members the opportunity to update their contact information and share any prayer requests for staff to pray over.

2) Be Aware and Engage

Look around for people you do not know on Easter Sunday. They may be guests. Engage them, speak with them, offer to help them find their way to the Worship Center. Be the genuine, caring people I know you are! We don't want anyone walking on our campus to feel "overlooked".

It's going to be an incredible morning of celebration and worship! I'll see you there!

Keith Pate

Details about Easter Weekend

Easter at New Hope

Apr. 7-9

Easter shows us that forgiveness and new life are possible for everyone! We invite you to celebrate with us the hope and freedom that Easter brings.


1. A physical invitation card that can be picked up in the Atrium.

2. Through the New Hope App. Tap Easter for a list of Easter events, select the event, then tap the "share" icon for ways to share.

3. By sharing social media posts on Facebook or Instagram.

Sign-up to Volunteer

Serve Bagdad

Apr. 10, Bagdad Elementary

We have loved getting to know teachers and staff this year at Bagdad Elementary! They have one last staff development day, and we are looking for volunteers to set-up and serve at an appreciation snack table. Tasks include taking snacks to the school, setting up the table and greeting staff.


Children's Choir

Apr. 12, 5:30 pm, Choir Suite

Lifelong worship begins as a child -- let your Kinder-5th grader discover the gift of worship! we invite our child to be a part of the Generations Choir, performing with the Adult Choir on Mother's Day. Rehearsals are Wednesdays, Apr. 12, 19, 26 and May 3 and 10.

Kids News
Students News

Weekly Giving

3/19 Budget Goal: $45,410

3/19 Given: $29,187

YTD as of 3/19 Budget Goal: $544,920

YTD as of 3/19 Given: $421,533

Believers in Jesus are called to make God priority over every part of their life -- including finances. We give as an expression of thanksgiving to God and trust that He will provide for our needs.

God's story. Our story. Let's share it. Follow us on social media for encouragement, community, and to share with your family/friends how God is working through New Hope! You can also download the New Hope App to connect to life tools, upcoming events and learning experiences.
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