Hope Group Communities
We all need people on our team to cheer us on when times are tough. Our Hope Groups are designed to do just that! They are relational-based, small group communities that we do life with -- the good, the bad and the messy.
Intro to Hope Groups
Jumping into a new Hope Group can be overwhelming, so we invite you to Intro to Hope Groups. This class will help you better understand what Hope Groups are all about. You can "test out" a Hope Group while finding supportive community and developing spiritual habits.
Teaching topics include:
Session 1: What is a Hope Group?
Session 2: How does God speak to us?
Session 3: Bible study basics
Session 4: Transformational habits
Session 5: Finding Community
Session 6: Pursuing God
If you haven't joined a Hope Group, we encourage you to discover caring community and Bible study at Intro to Hope Groups. Our first class begins Sunday, April 16, 9:30 am in Education Bldg. 203.