Ministry Updates
So much ministry is happening this January! It's exciting to see this new year bring so many new opportunities to make and grow disciples. I want to share two quick updates with you.
First, I want to give you an update on our Student Pastor search. Our search team (Kendra Testone, Catherine Ford, Jeff Fuller, Tom Robbins, Leonard Prater and Keith Pate) has been busy! They have reviewed over 30 resumes, conducted six Zoom interviews, and conducted two in-person interviews of various candidates. This team is laser-focused on finding the person God is calling to be New Hope's next Student Pastor. Please continue to pray for wisdom and discernment as they seek the Lord's will for this important ministry position.
Second, I'm thrilled to announce the creation of a new Hope Group for Spanish speakers! This Hope Group will be taught by Pastor Janfry Rodriguez, the previous pastor from our partnering church in Cuba, and meets Sundays at 9:30 am in EDU 208. Janfry has been busy reaching out to Spanish-speaking families around our neighborhood, already making contacts with 14 people. We can't wait to see how God will use and grow this Hope Group.
We are also looking for Spanish-speaking church members who can be a part of the support and leadership team as this class begins to grow. If you are interested in helping with this new class, please contact Leonard at
Let's see what else God has in store for this year!
Keith Pate