HOPE GROUPS: 8:15, 9:30 & 11 AM
WORSHIP: 9:30 & 11 AM

Celebrating Kingdom Work through VBS

So much excitement! So much energy! So much work! But there were so many kids discovering, smiling, and growing in the knowledge of Jesus! That is how to best summarize VBS last week.

"I had many, and I don't mean just one or two, many families tell me that this was their favorite VBS year yet!" shared Kids Pastor, Cathy Smith. The theme was Twists & Turns, and kids learned in engaging and creative ways how Jesus can help them get through the twists and turns in life.

New Hope has so much to give thanks for and celebrate through VBS:

  • 351 kids enrolled for VBS
  • 272 was daily average attendance
  • 75 children did not have a church home
  • 3 decisions for Christ were made
  • 161 volunteers served
  • 1,393 items were donated to Operation Christmas Child (OCC)
  • $1,003.96 was collected to go toward shipping costs for OCC

New this year was Family Night, in which parents attended a parent worship rally to hear songs their kids have learned all week, watch a video of higlights from the week, and then were invited to head outside to play yard games with their kids. "For our Parent Rally on Friday, our Worship Center was packed!" Cathy shared. "I really thought many would be too tired to stay for family night, but I was blown away by the amount of families who stayed to play games with their kids. I was able to connect with many families I didn't know!"

Kids and families aren't the only ones who walk away from VBS blessed. Our volunteers pour into kids all week long, and get to see the connections to God being made. "I personally love the chaos of VBS," shared volunteer Rachel McMillan. "Through the chaos I can see joy, and through the joy I can see Jesus."

As a volunteer, it's less about the exhaustion from pouring out service, and more about the reward of witnessing the work God is doing. "What I love about VBS, personally, is when I get to see kids growing, and getting to know each other and getting to know Christ," shared volunteer Darrin McCombs.

VBS -- the reaching of children in our community with the truth and love of Jesus -- is not possible without the members of New Hope! We extend the BIGGEST "thank you" to all our volunteers, to anyone who gives financially to New Hope (making this ministry possible), to anyone who donated materials or time for preparations, and to anyone who prayed over VBS. Thanks for being a part of what God can do through VBS!

Weekly Giving

6/4 Budget Goal: $45,410

6/4 Given: $56,582

YTD as of 6/4 Budget Goal: $1,044,430

YTD as of 6/4 Given: $868,565

Believers in Jesus are called to make God priority over every part of their life -- including finances. We give as an expression of thanksgiving to God and trust that He will provide for our needs.

Adult Volunteer Sign-up
Student Volunteer Sign-up

Volunteer for

Mega Sports Camp

Do you have a passion for sports or working with kids? Then we have the perfect opportunity for you! Join our Mega Camp Volunteer Team and use the focus of sports to develop skills and reach the hearts of children with Jesus. You can pick which sport or grade you want to serve with!

Details + Sign-up


June 26, 6:00 pm

Ladies, are you in need of rest, friendship and encouragement? Then join us for Woven! Enjoy this night away from home, eat some dinner, catch up with friends and enjoy worship and a guest speaker.

This month we'll meet at Red Horn Roastery off of Scottsdale Dr. in Leander.


Collecting for

Operation Christmas Child

We're just a few months away from our church-wide packing party for Operation Christmas Child! We want to make sure we have plenty of items to fill as many shoeboxes as we can. Please consider donating to bless a child and family overseas, and be a part of what God is doing to reach all with good news of great joy.

June Collection: pencil bags, sharpened pencils, pens, journals, crayons, color pencils

Kids News
Students News
God's story. Our story. Let's share it. Follow us on social media for encouragement, community, and to share with your family/friends how God is working through New Hope! You can also download the New Hope App to connect to life tools, upcoming events and learning experiences.
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