Is your district actively addressing racial inequities? Is it addressing potential internal or personal bias? 

In the wake of tragic national events that highlighted race relations in our country, IASA is proud to partner with Dr. Donna Leak and Dr. Sonya Whitaker on a new workshop series designed to help educators implement more culturally responsive practices in their districts. The first two workshops are free and will be held virtually via Zoom. The hope is to offer Part 3 at the IASA Annual Conference April 7-9 in Springfield.

This professional development is designed to add value to the work that already exists or is beginning in your district! 

The Presenters 
Dr. Donna Leak is the Superintendent of Community Consolidated Schools District 168 in Sauk Village, IL and serves as the Vice Chair of the Illinois State Board of Education. As Vice Chair of the State Board, she has been instrumental in updates to the mission, vision, goals, equity statement and updated strategic plan for the state of Illinois. She serves as a strong voice for those educators in the field of education at the state and national level. Click Here to read her full bio.
Dr. Sonya L. Whitaker is the current Deputy Superintendent of Schools for Dolton West School District 148. Additionally, she is a highly regarded national speaker and educator who has a combined total of seven years of experience as a school district Superintendent. Dr. Whitaker is also the host of her new education radio talk show entitled: What’s Really Going On?? Her broadcast is featured live on WVON1690 am. Click Here to read her full bio.
Part 1: Monday, November 9th from 10-11:30 a.m. via Zoom (Target Audience: Superintendents and Administrators)

The first session is designed to provide school district leaders with specific strategies for identifying and actively addressing any potential racial inequities, whether in physical form and/or embedded curriculum, that exist within your respective school district. Leaders will also be provided the opportunity to engage in the initial stages of action planning for successfully expanding your work beyond participation in session one. 
Part 2: Thursday, February 11th from 10-11:30 a.m. via Zoom (Target Audience: Superintendents, Administrators and Teachers)

School administrators are highly encouraged to participate in session two with key teachers in the district. Session two will focus on the lens of a classroom teacher and is designed to provide teachers with a level of understanding related to how to implement equity based, culturally responsive instructional practices at the classroom level.
Still not sure?
The overall objective of both sessions is as follows: As a result of participation in this workshop series you and your teachers can expect to: 

  • Be provided with a safe environment for engaging in important conversations about race and culture. 
  • Engage in the process of determining self-culture and its’ impact at the leadership and classroom instructional levels.
  • Identify policies and practices at the district and school level which serve as counterproductive to supporting equity related initiatives.  
  • Obtain and create specific action items for ensuring that equity related initiatives are implemented in an effective manner.  
  • Be introduced to culturally responsive pedagogy and become clear about what it looks like at the institutional (district), building level (school) and instructional level (classroom).