Volume 4 Issue 4
Resending to provide more information on preparing your condo for the summer
Master Management to begin campaign and crackdown on illegal dumping in CVE
Illegal dumping violations will be publicly listed
All three of these examples are from JUST ONE WEEKEND in CVE!

Illegal dumping of bulk items is becoming an epidemic in our village. This is the reason behind a new campaign being launched by Master Management. The CVE PROUD campaign will raise awareness, shine a spotlight on violators, and address the problem.

The CVE PROUD campaign stands for Prevent & Report Our Unlawful Dumping.

Master Management has already met with Deerfield Beach Code Enforcement officials to begin a crackdown on the problem.

In addition to stepped up enforcement, the city will be giving Master Management a monthly list of violations. That list will be published in the Master Management INSIDER each month.

If public awareness doesn't stop the problem, perhaps public shaming will. If you see your neighbor listed on the CVE PROUD Wall of Shame, let them know that we will not tolerate people turning our beautiful village into a dumping ground.
Cool Video: Repairs to West Dr. & Ellesmere bridges
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's drone video of the repairs to our bridges!

Repairs to both the West Dr. and Ellesmere bridges are finished. Both land bridges were in desperate need of repairs. The Ellesmere bridge was the more critical of the two projects. Numerous cracks were discovered during preliminary site work on the upcoming transformation of the golf course to a new park. In addition to the cracks, the elevation of the bridge seemed to have dropped. Both projects were completed without having to close the roads. CHECK OUT DRONE VIDEO OF BOTH PROJECTS BELOW.
West Drive Bridge
Ellesmere Bridge
What is this?
It's not a rotary phone or a beeper, but it's just as useful!

This is an old Comcast junction box, and it's about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.

Master Management is working with Comcast to have these boxes finally taken out so they are no longer eyesores in the Village.
The 2021 capital project season is here
What are three of the best days of the year for Master Management Executive Director Vallen Smikle?

1) His wedding anniversary (imagine the trouble he would face if we didn't include this on the list).

2) His daughter's birthday.


3) The start of the Summer Capital Projects season!

That's right. We are at that time of year when Village population drops, and major projects begin. Topping the list is the reconstruction of the Main Guardhouse. But don't forget the new turn lane into the East Gate, and the next phase of repaving.

So if you see Vallen, now you know why he will probably have a big smile on his face all summer!
What if you lose your vaccination card?
If you have lost the white vaccination card you received when you received your shots, you can order a new one.

To request a replacement card, contact the Broward Medical Records Division at (954) 847-8137. They will send you a form and instructions on how to request a new card.
Providing Privacy
Master Management is installing privacy screening along the SW 10th Street fence. Look for this new screening behind Newport, Harwood, and Farnham.
LOOK FOR THIS LINK ON OUR WEBSITE, www.CenturyVillageEast.com
Keep up to date on news from the City of Deerfield Beach
You can always check the latest information from Deerfield Beach City Hall by visiting the city's news page on its website. CLICK THE RED GRAPHIC TO VISIT THE CITY'S SITE.
Message from the Executive Director
Some reminders if you're heading north
While this may not have been a typical winter season, there still are a large number of residents that came down to the Village for the season.

For those who may be planning on returning north, please don't forget a few important things on your checklist before you leave.

1) Make sure your management company has your current contact information.

2) Clean out any food from the fridge and cabinets.

3) Make arrangements for your mail.

4) Take current pictures of your condo in case you need to make a hurricane insurance claim.

5) Get rid of any plants.

6) Unplug lamps, TV, stereo, etc.

7) Refrigerators (From FPL):

  • If you prefer to keep your refrigerator on, set it at its warmest setting.
  • If your prefer to keep your refrigerator off, make sure to clean the interior with a solution of 1 tbsp. of baking soda in 1 quart of water, dry thoroughly and leave doors open. Turn off the circuit breaker to the refrigerator. Remove all food from the freezer and refrigerator, and leave the door(s) propped open.
  • If you have an automatic ice maker, switch it to the “off” position.

8) Prop open the dishwasher to avoid mold.
Meanwhile, remember, if you need to visit the Master Management office, please wear a mask. Better yet, give us a call. I am sure almost everything you need can be taken care of over the phone. You can also email us at customerservice@cvedb.com.

Stay safe.

Vallen A. Smikle, LCAM
Executive Director
CVE Master Management Company, Inc.
Email Master Management