We're on the Radio!
The Maplebrook Advantage

On August 1, 2018, Maplebrook School began a radio show on WPWL , Pawling Public Radio, entitled “ Focus on Education ,”. With its decades of success educating thousands of students with special needs and learning differences, Maplebrook is leveraging today’s technology to bring much needed information, resources and tools to families that need it.

Through the radio program, which is simultaneously broadcast on Facebook and shared with the public via social media and our website, Maplebrook will take a bold step forward to claim a leadership role in the field of special needs education. The radio show will also give Maplebrook the ability to strengthen its relationship with key partners like the LDA, CEC, C8 Sciences, Understood.org, educational consultants and others by using the platform to engage our colleagues in advancing the dialogue about special needs education.

This exciting initiative will raise awareness about Maplebrook and will position the school as the premier boarding school for students with special needs in the country.
Tune in to the inaugural show: