New Lakemoor Police Chief
 | Police Chief David Godlewski |
Village President Todd Weihofen officially introduced David Godlewski who will be leading the Lakemoor Police Department as Chief of Police. Former Police Chief William Kushner resigned earlier this month after being selected as the new Chief of Police in the City of Des Plaines, Illinois.
David Godlewski is a 25 year veteran of the Lake County Sheriff's Office who held the rank of Chief of Operations up until his retirement on May 25th 2012. "Chief Godlewski brings a wealth of operational experience to the Lakemoor Police Department and a new and fresh perspective", Mayor Weihofen said. Chief Godlewski has served as a Highway Patrol Deputy, Detective, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Deputy Chief and Chief during his tenure at the Sheriff's Office.
Lakemoor Charity Car Show - Sunday, Sept 9th
Lakemoor's Dollars for Scholars Charity Car Show will be held on Sunday, September 9, 2012 @ Morrison Park. Registration 8am-10:30am Participant Judging 11-1pm. Come out and support a great cause......... |
West Nile Virus
The Village continues to take steps to reduce mosquitoes especially in prolific mosquito breeding areas. The Village has provided adult mosquito control spraying.
However, the best way to help prevent West Nile disease for your family is to reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home and to take personal precautions to avoid mosquito bites.
The mosquitoes that typically carry West Nile virus, commonly called the northern house mosquito, are not as noticeable as the swarms of floodwater mosquitoes we see during rainy summers. Even if it does not look like there are a lot of mosquitoes out, house mosquitoes are stealthy biters, so makesure to use insect repellent (see REPEL recommendation below).
- REPEL - when outdoors between dusk and dawn apply insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR 3535, according to label instructions.
- REDUCE exposure - avoid being outdoors when mosquitoes are most active, especially between dusk and dawn.
- Eliminate all sources of standing water where mosquitoes can breed, including water in bird baths, ponds, flowerpots, wading pools, old tires and any other receptacles.
- Make sure doors and windows have tight-fitting screens.
- Repair or replace screens that have tears or other openings.
- Try to keep doors and windows shut, especially at night.
REPORT - Report areas of stagnant water that may produce mosquitoes (including backyard storm drains) to the Clarke Mosquito Hotline at (800) 942-2555.
More Info @
Lake County Health Department Click Here
McHenry County Health Department Click Here |
The Village of Lakemoor is sponsoring a contest to create a new Town logo and motto. The selected designs will be used to promote a new community image, assist in the recruitment of new businesses and development, and used on the Village's letterhead, business cards, maps, etc.
- The competition is open to both residents and non-residents of any age.
- Participants may submit for only best logo, motto, or both.
- The submittal deadline is 5:00pm Friday, November 2nd.
- Separate cash prizes of $500.00 will be award for the best logo and motto
- Mottos and Logos are to be delivered to Village Hall, 28874 West Route 120, Lakemoor, Illinois 60051 or email to
Current Logo and Motto

"Progress Through Planning" |
Todd Weihofen
Village President
Kimberly Beach
Matthew Dabrowski
Kathy Lennon
Phil Lonigro
Colin McIntyre
Jeff Nykaza
Bonnie Sikora
Village Clerk
David Alarcon
Village Administrator
Charles Schmidt
Public Works Director
David Godlewski
Chief of Police

E - Service Request The Village of Lakemoor provides a convenient way for Lakemoor businesses and residents to request almost any Village service online. Click Here |

Report Suspicious
Activity to Police
The Village of Lakemoor Police Department has unveiled its new Online Suspicious Activity Report Form.
This form is for non emergency incidents occurring in the Village of Lakemoor only. If your incident is an emergency and/or is happening right now DO NOT USE THIS FORM and call 911 from your telephone immediately.
Report Form