Dear AISD Teachers,

The Professional Learning team is excited to share with you a new learning opportunity for AISD teachers called Lessons from the Field: Concurrent Teaching.

As we continue to learn and grow from one another during this school year unlike any other, AISD teachers are consistently refining their practice and coming up with innovative solutions to the unique challenges of the 2020-2021 school year. 

Lessons from the Field: Concurrent Teaching features four short videos that highlight some of these leading-edge educators and shares their successes with
  • mindset,
  • technology set up,
  • routines and procedures,
  • and student engagement.

In the flyer attached below, you'll find links to the videos, external examples of concurrent lessons, and opportunities to think through what Concurrent Teaching could be in the classroom. If you want a deeper dive, check out the Concurrent Teaching and related Blended Learning Models in the curated BLEND course.

Thank you for all you do, and we look forward to continuing to grow together as an AISD community.

Follow AISD Professional Learning on Twitter for the most up-to-date information on learning, resources, and opportunities for teachers!