With gratitude to our TGP SISTERHOOD for their sponsorship, we are delighted to introduce the Temple Gates of Prayer community to Siddur Lev Shalem, our new prayer book.
Joining the Lev Shalem Mahzor (High Holiday prayerbook) we acquired last year, Siddur
Lev Shalem will dramatically improve our Shabbat and Festival prayer experience. Like the mahzor, it features a four-column format, with translations in contemporary language, a commentary providing the historical context of our prayers and parallel readings.
We will transition to our new Siddur Lev Shalem in the coming weeks. In advance of that date, WE ENCOURAGE EVERY MEMBER OF TEMPLE GATES OF PRAYER TO PURCHASE LEV SHALEM FOR HOME USE.
We also invite you to dedicate (in honor or in memory) a copy/copies for our use in synagogue services. We are in the process of designing new dedication bookplates. Thank you for your consideration and participation!
The cost of each copy of the siddur is $36. Order through the TGP office.
Rabbi Hammerman will introduce us to our new Siddur with a four-part series of classes
beginning on Tuesday, October 24 and continuing on October 31, November 7 and 14. Plan to have your home copy in hand by October 24; contact the office today.
Welcome, Lev Shalem!