We Exist: To Grow in Faith and Make Christ Known

Sunday Worship

11.13 | 8:15 & 10:30 am

This weekend, we'll continue our sermon series based on the book, The Disciples Joy written by Pastor Mike Foss. During this series, we will discover six practices for spiritual growth. Week Three: Growing into Eternity 10:30 am worship will be live-streamed here

More here

Join together with the Norwalk community for Thanksgiving Worship on Sunday, November 20th at 6:30 at New Life. The service is sponsored by the Norwalk Area Ministerial Association and an offering will be received to benefit the Emergency Fund. Area pastors will lead various parts of the service.

Acts of the Apostles

Wednesday Evenings

Pastor Mike is leading a Bible Study on the Book of Acts Wednesday evenings at 6:30.  This evening's class will focus on Acts 8:1-8.

Chili Cook Off & Pie Social

Sunday | Nov. 20 | Noon

It’s not too early to start planning for NLLC’s Annual Great Chili Cook-off and Pie Social on November 20 following 10:30 worship! Whether you’re planning to compete or simply enjoy, you don’t want to miss out on this awesome event!

More here

Blood Drive

Monday | Nov. 21 | 12-3:30 pm

Give blood, save a life.  We'll again be hosting a blood drive on Monday, Nov. 21.  Volunteers and donors are needed.  Contact Anna Lund for more information. Appointments are required to donate. 

Make an appointment

Financial Update

Financial Secretary Lance Taylor has reported that through October we are $17,049 BEHIND our giving Goal & $30,847 AHEAD of 2021 giving to this point. We're ever thankful for your continued generosity and continued financial support of New Life.

Contact Lance Taylor Here

Prayer Requests

We believe in and celebrate a culture of prayer at New Life. Click here to send Pastor Nate a prayer request. Click here to contact Pastor Mike about a newly forming Prayer Team.

More here

Noisy Offering Update

October’s Noisy Offering raised $376.24 for Pet Project Midwest, a non-profit that provides free pet food and resources to make it possible to keep pets with the families that love them, and out of shelters. Thank You! November & December's Offering will be used for the Warrior Giving Christmas Project.

Happy Birthday

God loves you and we do too. Happy, Happy Birthday:)

Click here

8:15 Worship

Host: OPEN

Media: Karen Chapman

Greeter: OPEN

Communion Server(s): Kari & Jackson Murray

Ushers: Don & Andrea Hyde

Coffee: OPEN

Raise Right (Scrip) Sales: Chris Foss

10:30 Worship

Host: Dan Blom

Media: OPEN

Greeter: Wanda Vetterick

Communion Servers: Wanda Vetterick & OPEN

Ushers: Larraine & Lanette

Coffee: Kerrie Liedtke

Nursery: OPEN

Lots of opportunity to serve this week - click the button below or call the office (515.285.5965) if you can help.

Volunteer Here

Building Updates

Because of your financial generosity, the church council has approved some much needed building updates to the outdoor sidewalks and to the South Entrance area as well as the conference room. Watch for more updates and watch your step as some improvements are on the way. Special THANKS to Dave and Wanda Loebe for their work already in conference room. Concrete work should begin in the next few weeks.

Contact Pastor Nate Here
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