NEW IBERIA, La. --- The Iberia African American Historical Society will unveil a marker commemorating the history of Howe Institute, one of the early Iberia Parish Schools for Blacks, on Sat., Nov. 20, 2021 in New Iberia.
The day's program begins at 10 a.m. and will feature a keynote address by Michael Bieze, Ph. D. — an acclaimed art history expert, teacher, and Booker T. Washington scholar — on Washington's farewell tour on which Howe Institute was a stop.
Tiffany Caesar, Ph. D., a current Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Visiting Scholar at Margaret Walker Center at Jackson State University, will discuss education.
Interspersed in the day's events will be music performed a cappella and a rendition of Amazing Grace, both led by John Reedom; lunch by Paxton Simon Soul Food; and a silent auction of an original oil painting by artist Jerome Weber.
The program will be held at the St. Paul Congregational Church (131 Pershing St.). The marker will be unveiled on the grounds of the Iberia Parish Courthouse, which is located across the street from the church. Parking will be available at the courthouse.
Registration on
EventBrite is required to attend the event due to capacity at St. Paul. IAAHS will follow the state's coronavirus guidelines in place at the time of the event.
The program is free to attend, including lunch. A $10 donation is suggested for the plate lunch, but not required.