March 27, 2019
New Low-Income Weatherization Program (LIWP) Multifamily Report Assesses Cap-and-Trade 
Program Benefits

T oday, the  California Housing Partnership  and the  Association for Energy Affordability  published a report that presents new findings on the climate and community benefits delivered by the Cap-and-Trade-funded Low-Income Weatherization Program (LIWP) Multifamily since its launch in 2016. 

The report finds that LIWP Multifamily has delivered on its ambitious goals, including:
  • Statewide impact: The program has committed $54.4 million to invest in 90 properties across 19 counties in disadvantaged and farmworker communities across the state. Since the program launched in 2016, LIWP Multifamily has served 5,713 households with energy efficiency, solar thermal and solar PV upgrades. Over 10,000 low-income households will be served when all committed retrofits have been completed.
  • Affordable housing preservation: Utility bills comprise an average of 18% of operating expenses for multifamily affordable homes. By dramatically reducing operating costs through solar and energy efficiency upgrades, owners can replenish their reserves and use cash flows to address deferred maintenance and increase resident services.

  • Low-income resident benefits: Residents of LIWP Multifamily participating properties are projected to save an average of 30% on their energy bills.

  • Deep GHG reductions: LIWP-funded multifamily properties have reduced overall energy usage by an average of 40%. The program has reduced GHG emissions by 102,887 metric tons of carbon through completed projects to date, equivalent to taking 21,844 vehicles off the road.
  • Building decarbonization: LIWP Multifamily has reduced reliance on burning fossil fuels onsite in participating properties by offering high-efficiency electrification measures. 68% of participants received heat pumps, which can electrify over 90% of heating and hot water energy use in homes.

  • Farmworker housing: The LIWP program administrator has committed $5M of Multifamily program funds to upgrades for farmworker homes.
LIWP is administered by the California Department of Community Services and Development, which selected the Association for Energy Affordability to implement the Multifamily component of LIWP across the state. The California Housing Partnership works closely with the Association for Energy Affordability to lead outreach and education efforts for LIWP Multifamily. This report includes a wealth of new information about the impacts of the program.

  Read the full report here .