January 2018
Patient Safety Risks in Behavioral Health
In an article published in our May 2017 Newsletter, we posed a few questions related to the assessment of risk in Behavioral Health settings:  the Psychiatric Hospital, Inpatient Behavioral Health Units in acute settings, Med-Surg and ICU's and the Emergency Department.  The need to provide a safe setting for care related to behavioral health patients has long been on the radar by the Joint Commission, since the formation of the first National Patient Safety Goals released in 2007, along with subsequent guidance in Sentinel Event Alert #56 : Detecting and treating suicide ideation in all healthcare settings, released in February 2016.  Mo re
Did You Know?
New Maternal Status Documentation Requirements take effect July 1,2018
As proposed last summer, The Joint Commission has announced 3 new elements of performance in PC 01.02.01.  All 3 requirements focus on identification of infectious diseases.

CMS Readiness: Are You Prepared?
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The Joint Commission® is a registered trademark of Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Courtemanche & Associates has no affiliation with this entity.
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