Impacting the Future of College Sports 

Issues and Solutions Update — Spring 2025

Edition No. 9

Blue, Bodensteiner, Bowlsby, and Schulz Named New Knight Commission Members

The Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics announced the addition of four new members: Kevin Blue, Jill Bodensteiner, Bob Bowlsby, and Kirk Schulz.

Collectively, these new members bring the benefits of decades of senior leadership experience in intercollegiate athletics at Division I institutions. Bob Bowlsby’s 45-year career in college sports includes serving as athletics director at the University of Iowa, Stanford University, and as the Big 12 Commissioner. Jill Bodensteiner is in her seventh year as Vice President and Director of Athletics at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, after serving for 20 years at her alma mater, the University of Notre Dame. After more than a decade in Division I athletics administration, most recently as the Director of Athletics at the University of California, Davis, Kevin Blue currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer and General Secretary of Canada Soccer. Kirk Schulz has more than 15 years of presidential experience leading institutions with athletics programs competing in the Big 12 and Pac-12 Conferences.

Read the full press release here..

Knight Commission Brief and Supplemental Resource

on Proposed House v. NCAA Settlement

The Knight Commission produced go-to resources explaining the proposed House v. NCAA settlement and its evolving updates. The settlement is both complex and not well understood, yet the implementation of that settlement will have profound impacts on all Division I athletics programs and universities, and more broadly will drive a new operational model for Division I college sports.


This figure is provided in the Brief. It illustrates the revenue categories that determine the institutional cap on new payments to athletes, collectively referred to as "Pool Revenue.” This institutional cap is set at 22% of the average Pool Revenue from all institutions within the Defendant Conferences (current and future conference members). The institutional cap is recalculated every three years and increases by 4% annually. [Click here to open figure in a new browser tab.]

2025 C.A.R.E. Model Conference Grants Application Open Now

For the second straight year, our C.A.R.E. Model Conference Grant program will award grants from a pool of $100,000 to NCAA Division I Conferences that implement the C.A.R.E. Model principles through the distribution and use of “shared athletics revenues.”

The C.A.R.E. Model (Connecting Athletics Revenues with the Educational Model of College Sports) was developed to assist conferences and national entities in bolstering accountability and to ensure that both the distribution and spending of shared athletics revenue prioritize college athletes’ education, health, safety, well-being, equity, and opportunity.

Applications are due by June 20, 2025.


Click here for a video that recognizes our current C.A.R.E. Champions the Big Sky Conference, the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, and The Southern Conference.

Recap of 2025 NCAA Convention Session

More than 900 athletics leaders registered for our Jan. 15 NCAA Convention session as our panelists covered the common misperceptions of the key legal, financial, and operational issues related to implementing the proposed House v. NCAA settlement.

Access session resources and video recording


April 2 Presentation at AGB's National Conference on Trusteeship, Chicago

May 20 Knight Commission Public Meeting, Indianapolis


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