Esteemed Scouters,
We can’t thank you enough for all you do to ensure quality Scouting programs are delivered to the communities you serve. We appreciate your partnership and want you to know that we are here to support you 100% of the way.
In preparation for the upcoming Scouting year, we would like to highlight the recent news that National BSA distributed regarding changes in the membership structure fee. To help understand these changes, we have crafted the attached infographic outlining the fee increases that will come into effect on August 1st, 2023.
An important change to consider is the registration term of any member who joins on August 1st, 2023, and after. The pro-rate structure will no longer be an option for members, therefore any member who joins will be registered for a 12-month membership term regardless of the month they join. At the time of rechartering, these members will be counted in the “Pre-Paid” field and the unit will not be charged membership fees for those members. We will address any follow-up questions regarding the recharter process, for new and returning Scouters, in a separate announcement.
We thank you for your continued support and partnership as we prepare for a great recruitment season this fall. Please contact us if we can be of any support.
Yours in Scouting,
Pathway to Adventure Council