Living Laudato Si'

NACFLM colleagues and other Catholics are familiar with my monthly Marriage Moments (MMs) & Parenting Pointers (PPs). In the spirit of Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si' I have decided to offer a new, free resource of weekly ECO-TIPS.

You are welcome to reprint these in bulletins, newsletters, and on your website with the credit, "By Susan Vogt,"
For related articles go to my Living Lightly Blog:

Since those we reach may be in many different places regarding environmental efforts, I offer 2 options each week:
EASY: Some of us are just starting to awaken to the need to care for creation, or have been busy with jobs, raising a family, or other social justice commitments. We may not have much discretionary time. OR, it may simply be a relief to note that, “Hey, I’m already doing this one!” Good.
CHALLENGING: Others have been engaged in the environmental movement for awhile and are ready to take a bigger step. To multiply your efforts, go beyond your own personal lifestyle, and make bigger, systemic changes - consider the challenge of impacting change in your neighborhood, city, country, the world.

© 2022 Susan Vogt
PHONE: (859) 291-6197, FAX: (859) 291-4742

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