6th Sense
Have you ever had a deja vu experience? Do you sometimes know that the phone will ring and who it will be on the other end of the line? Are your dreams sometimes prophetic? Open up your own psychic gifts & start using your intuition TODAY! No Prior experience necessary.

11th-Soul Mates vs Twin Flames
How do you know if someone is a soul mate? A twin flame? Join Tre as we explore the possibilities of past life relationships, karmic relationships and everything between.

$20 Drop-in
We are no longer offer Skype or Zoom

August 2021

18th- Exploring Past Lives pt.1
25th- What in the Past Life pt. 2 (not necessary to take pt. 1 first)

Welcome the Newest Member of the Inner Space Family of Excellent Readers


I am a spiritual healer, here to help people ascend into their Divine Feminine and Masculine energies. I focus on healing SELF through shadow work, journaling, herbs and crystals. My readings provide querents with Transformative tools and guidance to commit to and be in alignment with their highest selves.
Call for an Appointment
 Wednesday 3 - 10 PM, Thursday 3 - 10 PM, Friday 3 AM - 8 PM
New Moon
New Moon Monday, 8/9/21 is The Step Beyond the Lion's Gate as we Step through the Portal into its Power
with Maxine

Connect with the powerful energy of the New Moon circle. The earth and Sun are aligned. Thus, the Moon is occulted. This is the time of planting seeds for that which you wish to harvest two weeks from now at the Full Moon.
It will be a time for reflection on what the new moon brings up for you, what you want to manifest, and what needs to be initiated for your goal to come to fruition. Use this new Moon energy to bring new opportunities. Make your intentions centered on your hearts desire. Call in harmony. 7:30 PM $20
THURSDAY, August 12

Valerie Que
Tarot cards hold the keys to the mysteries of life’s experience. Their symbology dates back hundreds of years. The many systems of Tarot and plethora of definitions can be daunting for the beginner or even advanced beginning student, but the Atlantian Mystery School technique is a simple, straight forward method of reading the cards that practically guarantees success. Each week we will review the cards, layouts and methods of reading then have a practice session at the end of class in which students gain proficiency by reading for each other with instructor assistance. 6 weeks $205 including work book, Deck is NOT included) 7:30 - 9:30 PM Please Pre-register so we will have adequate materials for everyone.
SATURDAY, August 14

Andrea Bagby
The advanced level student will learn how to take hands-on and distance healing a step further. Passing through the Level III attunement training is the first step to becoming a Reiki Master. The second step is to be shown the master symbol. The master symbol is one of the highest marks that a person learning Reiki can receive With the Reiki Master training graduates will be able to pass attunements. This is the final of 3 attunements that will take you through the Reiki Master Attunement and prepare for Karuna Ki attunements, followed by Holy fire Reiki certification. $200 10 AM - 2 PM Pre-Registration Required.
Astral Travel
TUESDAY, August 17

Andrea Bagby

Using the techniques from the cold war spying, we will experience the ability to project our consciousness to a non local object or person. We will also experience viewing, using our senses;i ncluding temperature, smell, taste and feel of textures. Time travel is also a part of this course, enabling the advanced student to “see into the future” by means of accessing information across time lines. 6 weeks 7:30 - 9:30 PM $200
Psychic Fair

August 21 & 22

Saturday 10 AM - 8 PM
Sunday Noon - 6 PM

Readings Still Only $20 or 2/$35

We begin scheduling appointments on Monday, August 16
Call 404-252-4540
FULL Moon Circle
Monday 8/23/21

Connect with the powerful lunar energy of a Full Moon. On the Full Moon, the earth and Sun are aligned like the new Moon, but the Moon is on the other side of the earth directly opposite the Sun. Thus, the entire illuminated portion can be seen on earth, full and round. This represents fertility, transformation, completion, and abundance. A suitable time for letting go of what no longer serves us. 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Join Maxine in a sacred in circle where we will share wisdom and inspire each other.
SATURDAY, August 28


Andrea Bagby

Coaches are in High Demand. Whether you are currently in the coaching profession or wanting to work in a field that helps others, this course will put you on the road to having an expansive healing business built on the 3 Es, Elegance, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship. Class one prepares the student to facilitate workshops and organize events as well as giving leadership tools. You will learn: how to command respect and attention in the group, how to plan for the outcome you wish to achieve, hold the interest of the attendees, agenda planning to organize the class information so that it is easily learned and remembered, taking and keeping control of the floor and most importantly communicate to the group in a powerfully irresistible way.  11 AM - 4 PM $200 Pre-registration Required
SUNDAY, August 29


Andrea Bagby

This workshop prepares the student for one on one coaching under the supervision of a Master Life Coach. The skill set acquired includes: Establishing a rapport with the client, listening skills, how to ask leading questions, diffusing dangerous emotions, helping clients establish goals, knowing when to refer out to a mental health specialist and much more. The entire two day course carries the designation of Holistic Workshop Facilitator and Spiritual Life Coach. 11 AM - 5 PM $200 Pre-registration Required

$375 for Both Days Must Register for Both by August 27 to receive this price.
Law of Attraction Meetup 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Every Wednesday
Hosted by Trey
7:30 PM $20 -
Mirror Gazing July 7
Like Minded Singles
4th Friday Monthly
LIKE MINDED SINGLES - Night of Healing and Self Love - Whether you are single or getting free from a complicated relationship join us for a evening of healing. Healing the heart is essential for moving on and having a healthy relationship. Hosted by Trey at The Inner Space 404-252-4540
Astro Forecast August 9 - 15
With the Leo Moon conjoin Mercury and quincunx Pluto followed by Mercury quincunx Pluto, we should be glad we are sleeping. Dreams are apt to be intense and there is communication that can trigger a catharsis. By the time to head into work the Moon is opposite Jupiter, the greater benefic. Some good news or a stroke of luck for those born on the Leo/Aquarius axis is in the offing. Venus is opposite Neptune today. Romantic illusions, financial fogginess and idealism fill this day. The Moon is void of course from 8:23 AM until tonight when it enters Virgo, The Moon conjoins Mars tonight. Watch out for agitation and fits of temper. This might play out as high energy. In any case sleep may be illusive tonight.
Tuesday the Moon is quincunx Saturn in the pre-dawn hours. Sleep may not give rest, but rather wear on us. The Moon is trine Uranus just after lunchtime. Nerves are jittery, it may be hard to discipline oneself. Use this energy to think outside of the box. Mercury is opposite Jupiter today. Lots of talk, could be braggadocio.
Wednesday Mercury enters Virgo this evening. The Moon enters Libra in the late afternoon, but early in the morning the Moon opposes Neptune. Sleep is deep and dreams are ethereal. The Moon conjoins Venus just at daybreak then is trine Pluto shortly thereafter. This could call for an unexpected morning delight. Venus is trine Pluto today. Romance and lovemaking are extraordinarily erotic now. Just don't let jealousy or control issues spoil the mood.
Thursday the Moon is trine Saturn tin the morning morning. Now is the time to ask for a raise or gain favor with an older person. It is also favorable for being disciplined. This evening the Moon is quincunx Uranus. Let the discipline from earlier evaporate into freedom and creativity this evening.
Friday the Moon is sextile the Sun, quincunx Neptune then square Pluto . Mars is quincunx Saturn. Today may start out smooth, but will likely turn stressful as there is confusion, control and manipulation issues, underscored by a need to focus energy that just doesn't seem to happen. By the time the 5:00 whistle blows, the Moon is trine Jupiter. It's off to the pub and enjoy a beer or glass of wine. Let those tensions release and enjoy the camaraderie. People will be feeling magnanimous. The Moon enters Scorpio this evening.
Saturday is another active day with the planets. Venus is quincunx Jupiter. Adjustments to budgets or finances must be made. The emotional fall out of the Moon square Saturn just before lunchtime is straining the nerves. Limitations and tightening of the belt is never fun. The Moon is sextile Mars just after lunch. Take a brisk walk and throw off the stresses of the morning before returning to work. The moon is opposite Uranus tonight. Allow yourself freedom. Don't try to do chores or fulfill obligations. Just be the free spirit you were born to be.
Sunday the Sun is quincunx Neptune. The Moon is trine Neptune in the late morning and the Moon is square the Sun. Spiritual, emotional issues will be easy to resolve if you will let your intuition guide you rather than following the directives of the ego. In the early afternoon the Moon is sextile Pluto. Clean out that closet or purse. get hypnotherapy or psychotherapy. Clear out the dross. The Moon is square Jupiter just after dinnertime. Don't over-promise or allow yourself to be talked into being more generous than you can afford to be. Tonight the Moon is sextile Venus. This is a sweet energy that brings a plesant mood. The moon enters Sagittarius just before midnight.

Dr. Sherry Henderson founded the Atlantian Mystery Schools, a holistic and metaphysical professional training program for astrologers, spiritual healers, ministers and counselors in 1995. Dr. Henderson teaches astrology, Kabbalah, psychic development, Tarot, world religion and spiritual business classes. She is a practicing Tarot reader & astrologer. Dr. Henderson is the director of The Inner Space metaphysical center in Atlanta, Georgia.
For information on classes or to schedule an appointment, call 404-252-4540.