6th Sense
Have you ever had a deja vu experience? Do you sometimes know that the phone will ring and who it will be on the other end of the line? Are your dreams sometimes prophetic? Open up your own psychic gifts & start using your intuition TODAY! No Prior experience necessary.

July 7 - Scrying with Trey
What is scrying anyway? It is an ancient practice in which one stares into a clear depth, a flame, mirror or other element that helps connect the seeker with other realms. The "Magic Mirror" in Snow White's stepmother's castle allowed her to see what was going on in the surrounding area. Crystal balls have long been used in scrying. Come try your hand at it. This is always a very fascinating class.

$20 Drop-in
We are no longer offer Skype or Zoom

July Topics
July 14 Pendulums & Dowsing Rods (Hands on Practice
July 21 Protection: For You And Your Home. Learn some tried and true ways to ward off psychic attack and dangerous influences
July 28 Crystals and their Power - Learn how to make Crystals work for you!


with Andrea Bagby

What if you could do the thing you love and change to a prosperous, health centered career? Love Yoga, but feel too old, too fat or too something else and not enough of the other to follow Yoga as a career?
This training is designed for all body types. Athletic ability not required. Connect on a mind, body & spirit level. Open hearts, mindfulness, and a passion for teaching is a must. Includes: 6 branches of yoga, an in depth look at the chakra system ,Reiki Level 1, 2 & Master Attunement, How energy exchange works Connecting to your own intuition Workshop Facilitator Certification and much more. 10am-8pm (breaks of course) 2 Weekends Monthly ($2500 Pre-registration with minimum down payment required.or Sign up with Paypal and make seven $350 monthly payments.

Save $50 and sigh up for PayPal financed payment plan. Everybody qualifies for financing!

JULY 17 & 18


We start taking appointments
on July 12.

New Moon Ritual Thursday, 7/8/21

Connect with the powerful energy of the New Moon. The earth and Sun are aligned. Thus, the Moon is occulted. This is the time of planting seeds for that which you wish to harvest two weeks from now at the Full Moon.
It will be a time for reflection on what the new moon brings up for you, whatyou want to manifest, and what needs to be initiated for your goal to come to fruition. Use this new Moon energy to bring new opportunities. Make your intentions centered on your hearts desire. Call in harmony. 
7:30 PM $20

Andrea Bagby

In the beginner’s class, you learn specific routines that you are encouraged to practice daily. One of Reiki’s great advantages is that it does not require any special equipment and can be practiced anywhere. Reiki brings balance and harmony and supports your body’s natural healing abilities. This is the first of 3 attunements that will take you through the Reiki Master Attunement and prepare for Karuna Ki attunements, followed by Holy fire Reiki certification. $175 11 AM - 4 PM Pre-Registration Required.

Scott Robinsion

Ascension is essentially an act of the natural evolutionary process, a spiritual awakening, which involves the shedding of the old self and experiencing an inner rebirth. We mostly think of ascending in a personal manner, but all matter ascends ever closer to spirit, the divine oneness. Even the act of falling or decent is a part of the process. In this class we will chart the act of rising through our own Chakra system individually and humanity as a whole. We will discuss the interplay of the Seven Rays, which controls the entire process. I hope you will join me for this fascinating and perhaps somewhat different view of our journey home. Many people speak about spiritual ascension in terms of being “upgraded,” “rebooted” or being elevated in vibrational frequency. $75. Early payment discounts. 1 - 5 PM Pre-Registration Required
FULL Moon Ritual Thursday 7/22/21
with Maxine

Connect with the powerful lunar energy of a Full Moon. On the Full Moon, the earth and Sun are aligned like the new Moon, but the Moon is on the other side of the earth directly opposite the Sun. Thus, the entire illuminated portion can be seen on earth, full and round. This represents fertility, transformation, completion, and abundance. A suitable time for letting go of what no longer serves us. Use these lunar energies to bring completion to projects and help you flower your ongoing pursuits. Make your intentions centered on your life's greatest wishes. 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Join Maxine in a sacred in circle where we will share wisdom and inspire each other. You will enjoy guided meditation, a water bowl ceremony and leave with a gift we create together.


with Andrea Bagby

Prerequisite Reiki Level 1. The level 2 Reiki student will learn distance healing so that he/she may work with clients in remote locations, even over the telephone. This is the second of 3 attunements that will take you through the Usui Reiki Master Attunement and prepare for Karuna Ki attunements, followed by Holy fire Reiki certification. $175 11am-4pm Pre-registration required.
SATURDAY, August 28


Andrea Bagby

Coaches are in High Demand. Whether you are currently in the coaching profession or wanting to work in a field that helps others, this course will put you on the road to having an expansive healing business built on the 3 Es, Elegance, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship. Class one prepares the student to facilitate workshops and organize events as well as giving leadership tools. You will learn: how to command respect and attention in the group, how to plan for the outcome you wish to achieve, hold the interest of the attendees, agenda planning to organize the class information so that it is easily learned and remembered, taking and keeping control of the floor and most importantly communicate to the group in a powerfully irresistible way.  11 AM - 4 PM $200 Pre-registration Required
SUNDAY, August 29


Andrea Bagby

This workshop prepares the student for one on one coaching under the supervision of a Master Life Coach. The skill set acquired includes: Establishing a rapport with the client, listening skills, how to ask leading questions, diffusing dangerous emotions, helping clients establish goals, knowing when to refer out to a mental health specialist and much more. The entire two day course carries the designation of Holistic Workshop Facilitator and Spiritual Life Coach. 11 AM - 5 PM $200 Pre-registration Required

$375 for Both Days Must Register for Both by August 27 to receive this price.
Law of Attraction Meetup 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Every Wednesday
Hosted by Trey
7:30 PM $20 -
Mirror Gazing July 7
Like Minded Singles
4th Friday Monthly
LIKE MINDED SINGLES - Night of Healing and Self Love - Whether you are single or getting free from a complicated relationship join us for a evening of healing. Healing the heart is essential for moving on and having a healthy relationship. Hosted by Trey & Maxine at The Inner Space 404-252-4540
Astro Forecast July 5 - 11
As we head toward the New Moon, the week may seem a bit anticlimactic. The waning Moon is void of course from noon until 9 pm so don't try to get new things launched until tomorrow, or better yet Saturday. Early this morning the Moon is sextile Neptune. This may feel like your dreams are surreal. The last aspect of the Taurus Moon today is a trine to Pluto. This is a great time to purge, release, let go! The Sun is sextile Uranus today, so the need for a clean slate is magnified.
Tuesday, the Moon, now in Gemini is square Jupiter in the wee hours of the morning. Mercury is square Neptune today and Venus is opposite Saturn. There could be promises that were overstated, but with the lunar aspect to Venus, money and love issurs work out for the best.especially tonight. Dealings with seniors or those in a position of authority goes well today, especially tonight.
Wednesday the Moon is sextile Mars just before daylight Energy levels are high, It will be almost impossible to lie in bed this morning, but tonight we will pay for all that early morning exuberance as the Moon is square Neptune. It may be early to bed just because it's almost impossible to keep your eyes open. Watch out for overdoing it on the alcohol. Stay away from any drugs. They will have an unexpected effect.
Thursday, after a conjunction with Mercury, the Moon is void of course until 10 AM. Minor aspects in the morning hours are uncomfortable, especially when communications are needed more than ever. Just after lunchtime, the Moon, now in Cancer, is trine Jupiter. Peace prevails, beneficence is the mood. Venus is square Uranus today. Money or love may take an unexpected, even stressful turn. Don't gambol with this aspect. If you win, you could lose just as quickly.
The Moon, now is quincunx Saturn in the morning. This could be somekind of adjustment necessary due to an elder or a boss. The Moon is sextile Uranus mid afternoon. This is a day that will be best spent in activities which titilate your need for things ahead of our time. The New Moon is tonight at 9:17.
Saturday the Moon is trine Neptune in the early morning hours, Sleep in if you can. The Moon is opposite Pluto around lunchtime. Someone could challenge your sense of inner security. This is a good time for therapy. Hypno or Psycho.
Sunday the Moon is in Leo and Mercury moves into Cancer. The Moon opposes Saturn in the early evening.This is a challenging aspect and when coupled with the square to Uranus paints a picutre of disagerrments with elders or those in a position of authority followed by rebellion.
Dr. Sherry Henderson founded the Atlantian Mystery Schools, a holistic and metaphysical professional training program for astrologers, spiritual healers, ministers and counselors in 1995. Dr. Henderson teaches astrology, Kabbalah, psychic development, Tarot, world religion and spiritual business classes. She is a practicing Tarot reader & astrologer. Dr. Henderson is the director of The Inner Space metaphysical center in Atlanta, Georgia.
For information on classes or to schedule an appointment, call 404-252-4540.