More resources for you while the
library is closed
Since having to close our doors, we have given away over 1200 adult and children’s books, some games, puzzles and DVD’s from our One-Way bookstore. We daily place the carts at the entrance to library & refill often.
Library phones are being answered; we are helping the best we can with information, eBooks, and making available free access to our 4000 video online classes through Udemy.

Our sewing machine is being used to make cloth face mask for a residential Autistic home and our 3D printer filament is being used to make plastic face shields for the Cape Cod Hospital through the Cape Cod Makers.

The Blood Drive we are hosting for the Red Cross is full!

Please reach out if you have question or a need, or call 508-428-5757 M-F 9-3

FYI, all library materials have automatically been renewed to May 5th.
OVL is hosting a blood drive with the American Red Cross, on APRIL 14th
Sunday April 12th
On Easter Sunday (April 12, 2020), by invitation of the City and of the Duomo cathedral of Milan, Italian global music icon Andrea Bocelli will give a solo performance representing a message of love, healing and hope to Italy and the world. Watch live here at 10am LA, 1pm NYC, 6pm UK, 7pm CET.
One-way books still going strong!

We continue to fill carts with kids and adults books, DVDs, and puzzles from the library bookstore. They are in front of the library under the farmers porch, available Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Help yourself while exercising the recommended social precautions, sanitize items, and please don’t return the items taken back to the library! 

New books are added daily.
Online resources for kids & adults at home
To fulfill our mission to foster life-long learning, while the building is closed, here are some opportunities to try something new while we are separated.

More fun and educational links to for kids and adults

T his is a new Always Available eBook Collection now featured on our public OverDrive site. No wait times. - Start Downloading

CLAMS libraries are purchasing lots of digital Childrens' and YA titles for their younger patrons while we all quarantine.   Start Downloading

OverDrive has donated this Health collection of juvenile titles.
Start Downloading and for teens Start Downloading new titles added almost daily!

12 DIY Board Games So You're Never Bor ed - Get Started

Operation Story Time Your favorite authors host story time online. #OPERATIONSTORYTIME - Visit Website

You will love Zoo School from the - Roger Williams Park Zoo & Carousel Village.

School’s Out, Kids Podcasts Are In (Plus Many More Educate-at-Home Resources) - Get Connected

Tune in to the Houston Zoo Webcams and enjoy a live look at animals that call the Houston Zoo home! See the herd of Asian elephants wander through their enormous habitat. Watch as giraffes nibble lettuce fed to them by guests at the feeding platform; you could join them on your next visit. See the rhinos roll in their mud puddle or the flamingos float next to a waterfall. Visit the Zoo

Go under the sea and visit the Georgia Aquarium, view the Piranhas, the Beluga, Sea Lions, Reef fish and more through their Live Webcams

10 Children’s Museums You Can Visit Virtually - Get Started

We are all trying to do our part by staying at home and practicing social distancing. For many of us, this means trying to come up with interesting meals from our own kitchens with limited ingredients. Since we must be apart right now, let’s explore different cookbooks, cook, and share our experience together. The Circulation Manager and Cataloger are teaming up to create a virtual cookbook club ! Let us know if you are interested in joining the fun!  Email

Local News, Virtual Resources, Information
& Takeout Food
Barnstable Town Manager Extends Payment Due Dates For Town Bills And Exemptions And Tax Deferral Applications

Town Manager Mark Ells, acting under newly granted authority by the Legislature and Governor, is announcing the extension of due dates for the following real estate and personal property bills, motor vehicle excise bills, water and sewer utility bills, and exemption and deferral applications:

Fourth Quarter Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bills:
  • Original Due Date: May 1, 2020
  • New Due Date: June 1, 2020

Motor Vehicle Excise Taxes:
  • Any bills issued with a due date of March 10, 2020, or later are now due on June 1, 2020, regardless of the due date printed on the bill  

Water and Sewer Utility Bills:
Town of Barnstable Finance Director further clarification regarding payment of Water Utility Bills and Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Bills.  Click here for full notice >
  • Any bills issued with a due date of March 10, 2020, or later are now due on June 1, 2020, regardless of the due date printed on the bill  

Property Tax Personal Exemption and Tax Deferral Applications:
  • Original Due Date: April 1, 2020   
  • Extended Due Date: June 1, 2020

More information from the Town of Barnstable - Click Here


Need to Talk? Samaritans are available to Listen
During this unprecedented time, it can feel overwhelming to receive constant messages about COVID-19. Please know that we are here for you. Call or text our 24/7 helpline any time at 877-870-4673.

Osterville Restaurants open for Take -Out. Amies Bakery, Crisp too , Pineapple Caper, 3 Wianno , Osterville Fish , Pizza One Subs Two

Check our Facebook page for interviews with local people on home schooling, dealing with kids at home, photo capturing COVID-19 on Cape Cod, and lots more.

For COVID-19 information you can trust, please visit:

Available free through the Osterville Library
There are over 4000 classes to choose from, here are some that might be helpful now f or families, parents and or caregivers.

This week we picked a few classes for Kids/Tweens/Teens

* Art for kids: drawing and painting course for young children
* Building kids confidence through drawing: art for children
* Art for beginners and kids: 8 drawing & mixed media projects
* Drawing for kids: how to draw step by step interactive art
* Art for kids and beginners: drawing and watercolor painting
* How to draw cute cartoon characters
* The art & science of drawing/BASIC SKILLS
* How to draw and sketch for absolute beginners
* Character art school: complete character drawing course
* Coding for beginners: you can learn to code
* Master the fundamentals of math
* Learn basic high school maths the easy way
* Become an algebra master
* Become a calculus 1 master
* Becoming a trigonometry & precalculus master
* Become a geometry master
* English vocabulary - SAT, GRE, GMAT and TOEFL
* Python for beginners: lean Python for programming (Python 3)
* Drawing and painting on the IPad with procreate
* Beginners watercolor get clear on the basics and just paint
* Beginner piano
* Acrylic painting - introduction to acrylic painting
* Sewing 101
* Learn photography: a simple system for photography starters

Need an Osterville Library card?
Call the library week-days and we can get you one over the phone!

For a limited time, t he Boston Public Library   is offering free  access to many of its electronic resources  that aren't  typically  available    Explore Ancestry Library, Artstor, Tumblebooks, and more .
In case you missed, The Dog Library,
the next 2 chapters, written and narrated by Gregg Jensen, illustration by Alexa Cotton. Will Pixel and Mazel ever find the Dog Library? Great for all ages.
Need help getting your essentials?
If you're 60+ or immunocompromised, visit the Osterville Helps website or respond to this email to get connected to a helper who can deliver your essentials to you.

Any questions, please contact Cyndy Cotton
43 Wianno Ave.
Osterville, MA 02655