Check out this free online course!

IFTDSS for Prescribed Fire Plans course is available anytime on the Wildland Fire Learning Portal.


Self-enroll now

You can enroll yourself in this on-demand online course once you enter the Wildland Fire Learning Portal. Select "How to Use IFTDSS for Rx Burn Plans" on the righthand side.


Learn to use IFTDSS for Burn Plans

  • Use spatial modeling and include visuals in your plan
  • Element 4: Describe your Burn Unit with IFTDSS reports and fuel model data from LANDFIRE 
  • Element 7: Build your prescription by using IFTDSS Compare Weather/Fire Behavior
  • Element 16: Find your critical holding points by running Landscape Fire Behavior
  • Element 17: Game out spot fires and escape scenarios with Minimum Travel Time (MTT) for your Continengency Plan.

Description of the Fire Area

Holding and Contingency Plan

IFTDSS has unique fuels planning functionality found nowhere else!

Want to see where high flame lengths may cause RX planning problems?




Landscape Fire Behavior in IFTDSS allows users to see all the same outputs you get from BEHAVE directly on the Map! Perfect for use in burn plans and other planning documents. Need to write a contingency plan or a holding plan? Use the fire behavior function to view flame lengths, rate of spread and fireline intensity to show where problem areas could occur and where additional resources may be needed.


Upload your own local values and resource polygons and point data to further inform your plan!