PANDAS Network Newsletter - April 2019
Recognition For New PANDAS Book
WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CHILD? has taken AMAZON by storm and is being considered for the "Author Academy Awards."
Please Get out the Vote! Use your vote to raise your voice and awareness! If you haven't already...

2) Click on [Vote Now for 2019]
3) Use the arrow keys to go to page 9, [Vote for Your Favorite Memoir Book]
4) Scroll to the bottom to find "What Happened to My Child" and click on the cover or title to vote
5) Share far and wide!!!

A Free DIGITAL Conference
Conference Saturday, April 13th, 2019. This 4-hour online conference will include speakers on many topics as well as a Q&A session. Free of charge.

OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is one of the hallmark symptoms of PANDAS and PANS. It can appear as intrusive thoughts, contamination fears, restricted eating, repetitive questions and/or rituals, etc . . . OCDeconstruct is a FREE digital conference helping you to understand OCD. Use link to register 

The Foundation for Children with Neuroimmune Disorders
Registration open for April 25th webinar on caregiver trauma/building resiliency.

This has been a successful online seminar that will continue through May. It will help you deal with the trauma of PANDAS/PANS in your child's life.

These new professional materials have been created with the input of PANS/PANDAS consortium leaders. These are great for medical offices and can be purchased by providers or their patients. Beautifully illustrated and useful for parents and child alike .
Dedicated to improving the diagnosis and treatment of children with PANDAS and PANS