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  • You will gain access to peer-benchmarking data, standards, and best practices that benefit you and your organization. 
  • Take part in POI’s community, which is striving for RGM excellence and essential growth.
  • You will receive an advanced copy of the POI Consumer Goods State of the Industry Report upon release.
  • Your organization will receive 2 complimentary registration passes for a POI summit.
Access to the 2024 State of the Industry Report

Article: Diageo's Strategic Moves Yielding Results


Article: General Mills Sees At-Home Consumption Rebounding After Price Cuts


Article: Mars to Spend $1 Billion on Tech-Focused Hiring, AI, & Other Digital initiatives to Bolster its Pet Food Division


Article: Walmart Steps up its ‘Inflation Free’ Holiday Meal Promotion

View the updated agenda for the POI Fall Annual Summit in Dallas, TX. Reserve your experience, and register now

Article: 7UP Is Levelling Up with a Mixology-Focused Strategy

Article: Coca-Cola & Bacardi to launch RTD cocktail as Innovation Heats up in the Space

Article: Hi-Chew Introduces New Mascot Chewbie to Expand US Presence


Article: Nature’s Path Launches Regenerative Organic Oatmeal

POI 2024 Consumer Goods Enterprise Planning & Retail Execution Vendor Panorama - Best in Class Capabilities

Article: Unilever CEO Looking for First-Ever Global Plastics Treaty with "Teeth"


Article: Amazon Launches AI-Powered Video Ad Generator Ahead of the Holidays


Article: As Gen Z Moves Deep into Grocery, Whole Foods Sees Changes

Director, Sales Strategy

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NA Technical Product Owner, Trade Promotions

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Trade Promotions Analyst

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