We are excited to announce the launch of Wisconsin’s new foster care recruitment campaign: Foster a Future. Whether you’re a public or private foster home agency in Wisconsin, we invite you to explore and use the new campaign materials in all your recruitment efforts!

As in years past, there are Public Service Announcements (PSAs) available on both the Wisconsin Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center website and the Coalition's YouTube channel. You are welcome to use these videos in your online (or face-to-face) recruiting activities.

For an overview of the artwork, billboards, materials, and Public Service Announcements (PSAs) included in the Foster a Future campaign, see our recorded webinar on the Worker Toolbox page of the Wisconsin Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center website. In this webinar, we share our plans for posting and promoting messages online and via social media.

You will also find an order form on that same webpage that you can use to request your print materials. Alternatively, you can contact us at 414-475-1246 or info@coalitionforcyf.org to request print materials be sent to you. There is no cost to your agency for print materials.

Please recycle any older campaign materials you have in stock and be sure to let us know how you plan to incorporate the new campaign into your recruitment events!

For support in recruitment planning, please contact the Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center staff at 414-475-1246 or info@coalitionforcyf.org.