New Reservation System
We understand that the reservation system we are currently utilizing through Signup Genius has it's challenges and frustrations. Our current reservation process is intended to be a temporary solution that allows us to open our amenities in a way that enables as many residents as possible an opportunity to visit, while being fair to the entire community AND providing a clean and frequently sanitized area. In order to visit District amenities during this time, residents will be required to continue reserving space in advance, but starting next week you will reserve using a new system that should alleviate some frustrations.
While no system is without it's challenges, we believe that this new program is much more user-friendly to you, our residents. The following changes will be implemented with this new system:
- Residents will be able to reserve space at the pool and in the Fitness Lodge using one link.
- Residents can create one account for their household, with the ability to list each member of the family. You will no longer need to enter your contact info each and every time.
- When a date/time is full, residents can add themselves to a waitlist for that date only, with each member of the waitlist automatically notified if there is a cancellation.
- Rather than publishing the reservation calendar every Monday at 7:00 p.m., residents will be able to reserve space no sooner than 48-hours before the date/time you are interested in.
- This new system may not be familiar to you, so please checkout our tutorial below, then visit the link for yourself. Please remember, dates/times that are further than 48-hours out will not be displayed. Reservations for the current weekend remain on Signup Genius.
- Finally, our reservation system works best when residents only reserve spots that they fully intend to utilize. If you need to cancel your reservation, you are encouraged to do so on your own, as soon as you can.
Schedule your reservation using the button below. Save this link for future reservations.
Reservation System Tutorial
Step 1.
Navigate to the date you're interested in and book for the appropriate facility and time. Dates and times are important, so please double-check that you are reserving the correct slot. Remember, slots will not appear if they are further than 48-hours out.
Step 2.
Verify you have selected the correct date and time, then tap "Next" to create your account (you only need to create an account if this is your first time booking). Make sure you save your account information so you can login in the future.
Step 3.
After you've entered your contact information your account is created and you can start adding each member of your household. When completing your reservation you can book for just for yourself with other members of your household. To add another person, select "Add New."
Step 4.
If you need to cancel your reservation for any reason, tap on "View Profile" then "My Schedule" then select "Details" for the date you would like to cancel. By cancelling, you will give your neighbors on the waitlist an opportunity to reserve in your place.
Fitness Lodge – If you haven't heard the news, the Fitness Lodge will re-open to residents this upcoming Monday June 1. Our initial opening plan is outlined below. Please understand that this initial schedule is only temporary, with restrictions expected to ease based on the recommendations of local and state authorities. Our current plan provides an environment that promotes social distancing, while allowing staff to be readily available for cleaning and sanitation. The following guidelines will allow our team to ease into opening, assess the use of the gym, and make necessary adjustments as needed.
- Residents must reserve space at the Fitness Lodge in advance, through an online reservation system. Tap the button above to access the reservation system.
- The number of residents allowed indoors is limited to 20 individuals at one time.
- Guests and extended family will not be allowed entry.
- Initial hours of operation are limited to ensure our staff is available to provide heightened cleaning in between reservations. Current hours are:
Mon/Wed/Fri: 6am - 5pm
Tue/Thur: 8am - 7pm
Sat/Sun: 8am - 5pm
- Prior to entering the Fitness Lodge, residents are required to check-in with a team member at the main pool entrance gate.
- Residents will be expected to adhere to social distancing guidelines at all times.
- Group programs and classes that do not promote social distancing are prohibited at this time.
- Residents will be required to wipe down the equipment before and after each use.
Pools – The pools remain open to residents at 50% of our bathing load. The following guidelines remain in effect:
- Residents must reserve space at the pool in advance, through an online reservation system. Tap the button above to access the reservation system.
- 110 residents (50% of our bathing load) will be allowed into the pool area at one time.
- Guests and extended family will not be allowed entry.
- Residents should limit themselves to one reservation per week.
- Residents will be expected to adhere to social distancing guidelines and will be responsible for the safety and wellness of their family.
- Residents will be required to check-in at the main pool entrance in order for staff to confirm reservations. When entering and exiting at the main gate, residents must wear a face mask.
- Heightened cleaning and sanitation will be provided by staff. While our staff will maintain the cleanliness of the facility, we ask that residents bring their own sanitizers to clean items before and after each use.
- Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before and after touching surfaces.
The HUB – Your management team continues to work from the HUB and is taking resident appointments. To request an appointment visit our website at We ask that residents please wear personal protective equipment when visiting the HUB.
Lifestyle Programming – Lifestyle programming will continue to remain virtual.
Tennis Courts – The tennis courts are currently open for free-play.
Playgrounds & Dog Parks – District playgrounds, pocket parks, and dog parks are currently open for normal use.
HUB Cafe, Kayak Club Room & Conference Room – The HUB Cafe, Kayak Club Room, and Conference Room remain closed during this phase and will only re-open once our staff is more readily available to assist residents indoors.
Private Facility Rentals – Private rentals of all District facilities and use of the grills and fire pit are not permitted during this phase.
Outdoor Kayak Club Areas – During this phase, some outdoor areas of the Kayak Club will remain closed to allow our staff to focus our cleaning efforts on high-priority areas. Closed areas will have signs indicating such.
Phase-2 will commence at a later date to be determined by the Trout Creek CDD. Plans are subject to change depending on the developments of local and state authorities.
- District amenities that were closed in Phase-1 will now begin to re-open as our staff and third-party vendors become more readily available to serve our residents.
- Guidelines may become less stringent.
- Lifestyle programming will remain virtual during this phase.
Phase-3 will commence at a later date to be determined by the Trout Creek CDD. Plans are subject to change depending on the developments of local and state authorities.
- All District amenities will resume normal operations, with a heightened awareness for cleaning and sanitation expected from our staff and our residents.
- Lifestyle programming may resume on a modified schedule based on the circumstances presented at the time, with a heightened awareness for outdoor events, smaller crowd sizes, and sanitation stations.
Just Around the Bend...
As we gear up for summer, our lifestyle programming will continue virtually! We have some fun ideas planned for the community, but we would like to know what you're interested in. If you would like to attend any of the events included below, let us know!
Choose any that you are interested in:
What is the weather policy for the pools?
To ensure the safety of all residents and their guests, there are certain weather policies that must be abided. Florida is widely considered the lightning capital of the nation, so please keep the following in mind when enjoying the pools:
Does the pool close when it rains? Most of the time, the pool will not close during a simple rain shower. However, if it begins to pour and heavy rain obstructs the view of the bottom of the pool, the pool will close until the rain lets up and the bottom becomes visible once again.
Does the pool close during thunder and lightning? Immediately upon hearing thunder or seeing lightning, lifeguards will close the pool and pool deck. These areas will remain closed until 30-minutes after thunder or lightning is observed. If thunder and lightning persists, the pool and pool deck will remain closed.
Can I access the undeveloped areas in Shearwater?
Shearwater is actively under construction, and at no point should you or a member of your family trespass on ANY construction site within the community. This includes any home or building under construction, as well as the undeveloped areas in The Falls and Timberline neighborhoods. For your safety, please do not enter the following construction areas: south of Appleton Court, south of Windley Drive, south of Boylston Court, south of Dade Court, and south of where the new 8’ path ends in the new Falls park southern extension. Trespassing in any construction site is a violation of
Florida state statutes.
Leave No Trace
Whether you're hiking through the nature trails, spending time at the park, or spending time anywhere outdoors, it is important that all of us do our part to
leave no trace. One tried and true method that is practiced all over the world is to simply
pack it in, pack it out. This means that any items brought outside are then packed up and taken with you when you return home. After spending time outside, please make sure you check your surroundings for any litter you may have left behind.
Yard of the Month
Congratulations to the Woolsey family at 118 Moorings for winning the Yard of the Month award for May! There are many great looking yards out there, so keep up the good work everyone! Looking for some tips and tricks to get your yard in better shape? Checkout the
Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Handbook for a variety of topics that cover all your landscape needs.
At Shearwater, we strive to connect you with your neighbors and the surrounding nature within our beautiful community. Find out what's
just around the bend... every week with the
Shearwater Stream.
Dylan Read
Assistant Manager
(904) 342-3735