April 6, 2023

New Reservoirs & Booster Pumps To Improve Water Service

Two new reservoirs and upcoming pump stations will provide millions of gallons of emergency storage that is always available – especially during fires – for Marina Coast Water District customers. The large tanks also lower power costs; they are filled when electricity costs are low at night and then provide water by gravity when needed.

The booster pumps replace worn pumps that were installed by the army in the 1950s. They pump most of the water that is served to the Ord Community. The tank reservoirs, pump station, and pipelines are located within easements on CSU Monterey Bay property.

Did You Know?

At Marina Coast Water District our water is transported through a system of wells, tanks, pipelines, hydrants, and pumps. Our highly trained, state-certified team repairs and replaces water, sewer, and recycled water infrastructure in

the District's service area. We work closely with local, state, and federal regulators to ensure we meet strict quality requirements and provide a reliable water supply for our customers.

Learn More About Your Water Supply

Join Us for Resilient Alternatives to Lawn Removal Webinar

Thursday, April 20, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

This workshop discusses alternative ground cover options for replacing ornamental lawn areas, including keeping the existing lawn in place and creating a “Polyculture” green space. You will learn:

  1. Importance of polycultures & diversity
  2. How to select a blend of groundcovers
  3. Step-by-step process of transition
  4. Opportunities for rainwater capture
  5. Managing limited irrigation

The class is free but advance registration is required.

Click Here to Register for Free Workshop

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Marina Coast Water District

11 Reservation Road, Marina CA 93933

(831) 384-6131 | mcwd.org  

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