DMHAS has established a new partnership with the Connecticut Association of Schools – Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CAS-CIAC) to provide mental health and substance use resources to high school students, athletic directors, coaches, and parents. This partnership will increase access to critical resources for both preventing and responding to youth mental health and substance use issues. Partnering with the CAS-CIAC provides an opportunity for DMHAS to share vital information with families, youth, and people who interact consistently with youth through athletics. More than half of Connecticut high school students participate in some form of athletics. Click link below to read full article.
Alicia Feller, CEO of Southwest Connecticut Mental Health System (SWCMHS), and Captain Edward Weihe, Fairfield Police Department Field Services Commander, recently facilitated a pilot research collaborative developed and driven by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Forensic Services Division. The research collaborative, called SIM (Sequential Intercept Model Mapping), is the first of its kind in Connecticut, and includes stakeholders from a wide range of disciplines and providers from state and local mental health and addiction resources, hospitals, universities, criminal justice systems, and parole. Click link below to read full article.
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