New Resource for Cannabis Education

The State Launched a New Campaign Called "Be in the Know"

The campaign is designed to reach youth, parents and trusted adults, pregnant and breast/chest feeding individuals as well as the general public, and offers messaging tailored to different populations. For individuals age 12-20, the material focuses on prevention and is based on research that shows cannabis use impairs developing brains and academic success. For parents and trusted adults, communications will focus on how important their voices can be in a young person’s decision making around cannabis use. Pregnant and new parents will receive information that empowers them to protect their infant’s development by understanding the harm cannabis can cause to young people and direction to talk to their health care provider for more information. 

The website provides easy-to-understand and clear information on the state’s laws, safe storage, driving under the influence, and health risks. For each audience, the campaign provides information on understanding the signs of cannabis dependency while offering support and resources. Read the full press release here and click the link below to visit the website.

Be in the Know!

Be in the know! Connecticut laws about buying, carrying, and using cannabis have changed. Get the facts on Connecticut's cannabis laws, how cannabis impacts your health, guidelines for families, and signs of problem use.

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DMHAS Update

DMHAS has established a new partnership with the Connecticut Association of Schools – Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CAS-CIAC) to provide mental health and substance use resources to high school students, athletic directors, coaches, and parents. This partnership will increase access to critical resources for both preventing and responding to youth mental health and substance use issues. Partnering with the CAS-CIAC provides an opportunity for DMHAS to share vital information with families, youth, and people who interact consistently with youth through athletics. More than half of Connecticut high school students participate in some form of athletics. Click link below to read full article.


Alicia Feller, CEO of Southwest Connecticut Mental Health System (SWCMHS), and Captain Edward Weihe, Fairfield Police Department Field Services Commander, recently facilitated a pilot research collaborative developed and driven by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Forensic Services Division. The research collaborative, called SIM (Sequential Intercept Model Mapping), is the first of its kind in Connecticut, and includes stakeholders from a wide range of disciplines and providers from state and local mental health and addiction resources, hospitals, universities, criminal justice systems, and parole. Click link below to read full article.

Download the full DMHAS newsletter to continue reading about each of these news items.

Events from The Hub

Other Community Events

Legislative Essentials - 12/13 11:00-12:30

Learn the legislative process!



Leadership Essentials - 12/20 10:00-11:30

Learn how to lead movements for change!


View the December trainings and events from SAMHSA.

Disclaimer: The Hub shares information and resources on a variety of behavioral health topics. We do not endorse specific events, policies or agencies

In the News

The crisis of student mental health is much vaster than we realize

The change was gradual. At first, Riana Alexander was always tired. Then she began missing classes. She had been an honors student at her Arizona high school, just outside Phoenix. But last winter, after the isolation of remote learning, then the overload of a full-on return to school, her grades were slipping.

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Fairfield Police Department Prepares To Hire Clinical Social Worker

FAIRFIELD, CT - The Fairfield Police Department is on the cusp of hiring a licensed clinical social worker, a first for the department, "with a goal of addressing the areas of mental health and addiction services." "We expect to have the position filled by next week," Fairfield Police Capt.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT

A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

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